Joanna writes very well about nature and its wonders. Her articles cover deserts, forests, rivers, and now the camel. She has written a very comprehensive and touching piece about the camels and their wonders. I share her article here as an important page of the website
“When last December I wrote a post ‘Master of the Desert – The Camel’, I didn’t know of the research station at Al Ain, a city in Abu Dhabi, a Camel Farm in the United Arab Emirates. The technical manager there and also a camel passionate Professor is Dr. Raziq Kakar, an international camel dairy specialist, who is from Pakistan. Before starting his work here, he traveled to forty-six countries and lived with nomads in mountains and desert sands for his research. Al-Ain is home to United Nations Heritage and other archaeological sites from the Bronze and Neolithic ages. Today, it is a city with over half a million residents.
The point on the ancient route, Jabale Hafeeth. The green park
His work on the great attributes of the desert flora, especially the plant Tribulus Terrestris and its connection to the medical properties of camel’s milk, is of great importance. Dr. Raziq is devoted to the research of plants, earth, animals, and ecosystems.
Dr. Raziq Explore Desert Flora
This extraordinary plant Tribulus Terrestris grows in many countries worldwide. Because of the plant’s active substances that can be used for curing many disorders, interest in it is increasing, and it is currently one of the most studied medicinal plants. The main biologically active substances in TT are steroidal saponins, flavonoids, alkaloids, and lignan amides, the most studied being steroidal saponins.
Dr. Raziq describes Tribulus as the beauty of the desert whose presence or absence decides the health of desert fertility. He compares Tribulus to the sun, as its yellow flowers absorb energy from the sun and moisture from the sand and dew. He rightly describes the plant as beautiful and special, as it is resilient to the hardship of the weather changes of the desert.
On his website, Dr. Raziq classifies the use of Tribulus; in his words: the plant has medicinal value, directly when used as an herb, and indirectly through camel urine and milk. It is a perennial plant that sprouts in spring. Tribulus is very much liked by camels. Raziq explains the camel with his Deep Ecology Philosophy.
He writes that the camel is a unique gift of nature. And this is an indisputable truth. Camels are extraordinary animals, seemingly created by the desert, and therefore equipped in every way to withstand the harshness of the journeys. Interestingly, when the camel moves, it uses both legs on one side, and in the next movement both legs on the other side. This gives the rider the sensation of being on a ship, and that is why the camel is known as The Ship of the Desert.
Without camels, there would be no trade that flourished across the countries bordering the African deserts and Arabic countries. The substantial wealth of various countries, like Mali, Ghana, or Chad to Syria, Iran, Iraq, and beyond, came from transporting salt, called ‘white gold’, textiles, gold, and many other goods. Without camels, this would not have been possible. And yet, they were originally native to the Arabian Peninsula and introduced to Africa around the ninth century BC.
The Perfect Design of Nature
The camel is an example of the perfection of nature’s design. Tall, 7 feet high with a hump, with long legs, he can easily carry a heavy load. The characteristic hump on his back contains fat which is indispensable as a source of energy when there is no food around. As he can drink in one go 40 gallons of water, he can travel a long distance without drinking or eating. The eyes have three eyelids and two rows of eyelashes to prevent sand, even in a sandstorm, from entering his eyes. For the same reason, his ears are furry and his nostrils close between two breaths. His even-toed feet don’t sink into the sand because on touching the ground the two toes spread wide, thus allowing the camel to walk unperturbed. Normally docile, when provoked they use their big-lipped snout to spit green gunk from their stomach, and they kick expertly with all four legs. Camel milk is very healthy as it contains less fat than cow’s milk and is rich in iron, vitamins, and minerals. It is now becoming the drink of choice for many people.
Camels’ Blood has Unique Antibodies
Recently, scientists found that camel blood has unusual diminutive antibodies that may be used in fighting cancer. Called nanobodies, their binding can fit into crevices on molecules and remain functional within cells. These are still early stages of the research but nevertheless promising.
Two Types of the Large Camels, D, and B
There are two types of camel: 1 the one-humped dromedary (denoted by D), the smooth-haired camel of the desert, and 2 the two-humped, shaggy-coated Bactrian living in Asia denoted by B. If you tilt D anticlockwise, it will make one hump, therefore the Dromedary camel is denoted by D, and the same way the B making two humps and denoted Bactrian camel is denoted by B. Dr. Raziq works with dromedary camels on the farm he manages in the United Arab Emirates.
Camel Milk and the Natural Health
Camel milk has been used for the cure of complex ailments over long periods of history. Now, different scientific studies are being conducted and many are underway to explore the magic powers of camel milk and to find the molecules in camel milk that are materializing the healing of different diseases.
The Camel Milk has Unique Molecules
Scientists give some examples of the precious molecules found in camel milk. One of the best examples is the immunoglobulins. The immunoglobulins of camel milk combat autoimmune diseases by strengthening the immune system, and can fight some bacteria like tuberculosis and protect the body from bacterial and viral infections.
They add that camel milk contains various protective proteins and enzymes that have antibacterial and immunological properties that strengthen the antibacterial and antiviral activities. Camel milk is a unique and healthy product, especially with anti-allergic and anti-diabetic effects. Several studies have shown that camel milk has some therapeutic potential in both type-1 and type-2 Diabetes mellitus. It is suggested that drinking half a liter of camel milk per day contributes to decreasing fasting blood glucose, HbA1c, and plasma insulin levels in both types of diabetes. The healthy effects of camel milk are attracting increasing attention from consumers and the food industry.
Dr. Tahereh Muhammadabadi, Working on Camel Milk Molecules for Natural Health
Dr. Tahereh writes: “Nowadays, the researchers follow other suitable alternative treatments for insulin. Camel milk contains insulin-like proteins, which do not form coagulum in the acidic media of the stomach and can be an effective alternative for insulin. Camel milk improves glycemic control and decreases insulin resistance in diabetic conditions. A high amount (about 52 U/L) of insulin is detected in camel milk, and using camel milk with diabetes patients causes a reduction of blood sugar and required insulin dose of about 30%. Daily drinking of camel milk may meet about 60% of the insulin required in diabetic patients. Camel milk improves other aspects related to diabetes such as obesity, inflammation, wound healing, and oxidative stress damage. Therefore, camel milk and some of its effective components influence insulin secretion by their effect on the pancreatic beta cells and insulin receptor function in the insulin-sensitive tissues. Therefore it is a potential therapy for controlling diabetes mellitus 1, high cholesterol level, liver and kidney disease, decreasing oxidative stress, and improving wound healing. Camel milk lactoferrin has immuno-modulatory effects on beta-cells of the pancreas and reduces insulin doses required in diabetes 1 and 2 patients.
Obviously, camel milk effects include an effect on insulin receptor function and signaling and glucose transport in the insulin-sensitive tissues, an effect on insulin secretion by the pancreatic b-cells, via the survival, growth, and activity of the pancreatic cells, negative modulation on the glucagon receptor.”
Defining the Connection between Desert Flora and Medicinal Values of the Camel Milk
Dr. Raziq’s work studying the connection between the plants of the desert and the medicinal quality of camel milk, and promoting camel milk as food with unique healing powers, is therefore of great importance. This research is the reason for camel milk has been featured for the first time on the global World Milk Day list since it began 20 years ago.
Dr. Raziq’s work offers a solution to the complex problems in today’s world. The vast increase in pollution through the use of pesticides, petrol fumes, and the overuse of plastic in the past decades is now linked to many children suffering from mental problems and autism.
A Mother Who Treated Her Autistic Son with the Camel Milk
Christina Adamas is a proud mother and the autistic son healer with camel milk. She is the author of the camel book ‘CAMEL CRAZY’.
She explains that “The camel milk works across a range of physical and behavioral issues, making it a highly effective alternative. Parents of children with autism remain a key and growing market, as studies show the milk is safe and effective and can lead to behavioral and medical improvements,” stated Christina Adams, author of several publications on camel milk and editorial board member of the Journal of Camel Science. She is the author of the award-winning book ‘Camel Crazy. A Quest in the Mysterious World of Camels.’ She writes in minute detail how camel milk profoundly changed her autistic son’s life, from a severely affected young child to a now independent adult capable of doing all the things other 20-year-olds are. Her work gave scientists important data to include in their research.
Christina Adams writes that camel milk has been used for centuries as a healing substance and highly nutritious food. She suggests that camel milk may be beneficial in treating conditions associated with inflammation, which may include:
- Autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
- Attention deficit disorder (ADD)
- Hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
- Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
- Skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis
- Gastrointestinal problems: irritable bowel disease, Crohn’s disease, diarrhea
- Food allergy, intolerance, and sensitivity
- Sugar sensitivity
- Diabetes
- Kidney damage
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Liver damage
- Machado-Joseph disease
- Sensory dysfunction
- Chemotherapy-induced fatigue, anemia, mouth sores, and other side effects
- And many others.
Dr. Tahereh Mohammadabadi, Associate Professor, Khuzestan Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University, Iran, writes:
“The fatty acids in camel milk are also better for human hearts as they contain more monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids than cow milk. Low in allergenic proteins, camel milk is also the best alternative to human milk and for children with severe food allergies or eczema.”
Dr. Raziq agrees: “Having been in the camel’s world of research and development, I have been advocating the camel as the animal of choice in the challenging environments as a model animal. The camel (Arabian and Bactrian) milk is also rich with super and unique nutrients, some act as anti-infectious and immune boosters. Camel milk makes the immune system stronger as it contains a series of protective proteins such as lysozyme, lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase, immunoglobulin G, and immunoglobulin. I hereby suggest clinical trials for the camel milk as an agent of antibodies against the viral infections in particular with the COVID-19. Camel milk has already been studied as support in diabetes management.”
Camel, Desert, and Ecotherapy
As an ethnoecologist and desert explorer, Dr. Raziq advocates closer links with nature whenever we are. During his daily walks, he notices: “The desert is not only beautiful but a place where you can enjoy the vast horizons and the fragrance of the deserts’ flora. The desert after the rains converts into echoing green sand, rich with a diversity of flora and fauna. The whole picture makes the scene very attractive, which works as an ECOTHERAPY. I’m sure, daily walks will work as a healing agent for your health and thoughts.”
The Desert and Camel Connection and Deep Ecology Project
Dr. Raziq works on many projects that could improve the lives of people globally, as he would like to turn parts of the desert into agriculturally productive fields. His work also includes ideas of using camel waste as a fertilizer. It might not be long before he includes research on turning camel waste into renewable gas. Camel waste could be sealed into tanks without oxygen, where it is broken down by naturally occurring micro-organisms into biogas, before being used to help heat homes and cook meals. Farmers are increasingly rushing to exploit the cattle’s waste product to provide green energy. Scientists believe that alongside hydrogen, biomethane could be playing a critical role in achieving net-zero carbon emissions. Such an innovative project would be a step towards supporting the transition to a low-carbon economy and paving the way for similar projects in the future.
Dedication to the Camel Work
Dedicating his life to studying the many extraordinary properties of camel milk, Dr. Raziq’s work is paying dividends, as there are now quite a few camel farms in Europe and in other parts of the world. Thanks to Dr. Raziq’s extensive research, I have recently become a devotee of camel milk myself and drink a half-pint daily. In my future posts, I shall report on all the benefits, I will no doubt, have in a short time. Thank you, Dr. Raziq.
The Taste of the Camel Milk
For those who would like to know what camel milk tastes like – it tastes just like milk because it is milk. It is very light milk and spreads in the mouth quickly. It gets a bit of salty taste when the camel grazes on the salt bushes.
Below are images of the Bedouin tribe:
There are also other known benefits of drinking camel milk – the Bedouin tribes in Africa are well known to be slim, and no one is ever obese; they drink camel milk as they are camel herders. As we are forever dieting here, perhaps, camel milk could provide a solution.
75 Goodness of the Trees, Dr. Raziq’s Deep Ecology Philosophy
Dr. Raziq is a deep ethnoecologist, ethnobotanist, and desert explorer. Dr. Raziq has learned knowledge from nature and the people. He always likes to share his understanding of the trees with the people. He loves trees and nature and spends time with nature to heal his soul. Here are his 75 goodnesses of the trees in the following numerical lines.;
- Trees provide shade to animals and human beings
- Cooling of air by transpiration, hence conserves energy costs on cooling
- Trees conserve water, a tree should be considered a huge water tank
- The fruits we eat come from the trees
- Foods other than fruits like leaves, barks, roots, gums, etc come from the trees
- Trees bring a diverse group of people together and provide a great social opportunity and unity
- Animals’ feed, especially the drylands trees with edible leaves and pods
- Nesting opportunities for birds, act as birds’ sanctuaries
- Habitat for insects, rodents, birds, and many other animals as a tree is a colony for them
- The trees control and minimize the pressure of the wind storms
- Each country has its national tree
- Mashal, a traditional mouth brush is made from the trees
- Trees protect our skins from hazardous rays like UV rays
- Trees provide excellent beauty to the Ecosystem
- Trees act as landmarks on the earth, people, as well as animals, use the trees as their GPS
- Trees provide natural mapping, one can easily map the region with the help of trees
- Strengthening and conservation of soil; The soil is a precious asset on the planet
- Trees provide a medium to microorganisms to sustain life and enrich the soil and micro-ecosystem
- Trapping and fixing carbon from the air, one of the most important roles in the mitigation of climate change
- Provision of oxygen, which is the most common knowledge we know, sustains life on the earth
- With the fragrance of flowers, many communities, and people recognize the species of the tree with the fragrance of the flowers
- The fragrance of fruits is an attraction and flavor
- Many beauty and fashion products are made from trees
- Tissue papers, wallpapers, and other roles are made from the trees
- Trees are the subject of fairytales, many fairytales are linked to trees
- Historical background, many trees have a history
- Some trees are really living fossils living for 100s of years
- Trees materialize communities to sustain in a specific ecosystem
- Trees are involved in the water cycle and are a source of rain and attraction of clouds
- Protect coasts and provide habitats to marine life like mangroves forests
- Use for furniture, a diverse use for different kinds of home accessories
- Handicrafts made from different parts of the tree, like leaves, are used for mats and hand fans
- Tires made from the sap of rubber trees
- Different parts of the trees are used for medicine, like fruits, bark, seeds, flowers, etc
- Some tree plants are used for fiber synthesis, making fabric and other products
- Provides food for the silkworms, a great human history with the silk trade
- Some communities worship the trees, providing meditational opportunities
- Some trees are sacred in some religions and have a spiritual connection as their fruits are considered special and unique to other fruits
- The trees provide sports and playing opportunities for the kids, many rural sports are played under a tree
- Some communities do tree climbing challenges which provide pleasure to the communities
- When kid, I found refuge by climbing on a tree to be safe from the furious dog
- Trees provide safety in wars and conflicts
- The small ships and boats are made from the wood
- Many specialized parts for the beauty of expensive cars are made from the wood, like BMW, etc
- Boomerang, an Aussi indigenous tool for defense and hunting made of the wood
- Woodcutting and other equipment for cutting crops having woods as an important part
- Almost all the agricultural operations tools were made of the wood in the earlier agricultural development
- The old hunting tools were mostly composed of wood
- Some weapons of war were always made of the wood like arrows etc
- Wood shaving is used for the bedding of the livestock
- Some trees provide special oil like Sandalwood and some others
- The leaves’ extract of the neem is used as insect repellants
- The wood oil extract from the pine tree in Pashtunkhawa of Pakistan and Afghanistan is used for the mange and other skin diseases of livestock
- Making utensils of the trees’ wood, now the precious heritage conserved in many museums
- Use wood for art and crafting
- Wood is used for the fencing of gardens and livestock barns
- Woods are used for making musical instruments
- Wood is used for making stationery items, the best example is the pencil
- Leisure food items like Chocolates are the products of the tree
- Bottles’ corks are made from the tree
- Some hair dyes are made from trees
- Waxes are produced from the tree
- Latex Rubber Gloves are coming from the rubber trees
- Sponges, a soft and squishy product like a sponge made from wood fibers
- Chewing gums come from the wood
- One of the best honey comes from the trees
- Sports equipment like Bats, wickets, etc. are made from wood
- The kid’s toys made from the wood are considered as the best and safe
- Wood pads are used in the traditional treatment of human and animal bone fractures
- Trees reduce violence, and neighborhoods that are barren have a greater incidence of violence
- Trees and landscaping help to reduce the level of fear
- Trees mark the season as winter is no leaves season
- Trees also increase the value of a property
- Some traditional festivals are connected with the tree plantations like Nawroz
- For mental health and Ecotherapy, the trees provide calmness
![Earliest evidence of the boomerang in Australia | National Museum of Australia](
But we should also ask what can we do for the trees. The exchange should always be mutual. Christina Adams writes in her book about the only tree, an acacia, in the compound of The Camel Farm:
The old Acacia Tree of the Camels’ Souk
“The sound of past centuries grows fainter as I look back at the old souk tree. She’s endured the indignities of a thousand years, she’s been torn by the wind, bumped by trucks, deprived of even drink, But she lives on with no visible help, surviving in her silence.” Perhaps a gift of water, just a few buckets daily, could be possible? It would certainly prolong this tree’s life and make it happy. Note: The tree is getting water almost daily now. I shall visit again as soon as I promised.
Empathy with nature and all that we call by this name is important, because: