Camel has an uncounted number of characteristics, making it a very unique creature. Hardiness is one of the most important special traits of the camel. Camel can thrive on anything when good quality feed is not available, even can consume the bark of the bushes even the woody part.
Camel consumes everything in hardy conditions but chooses the fresh leafy part of the plants in good conditions
Dr. Raziq
The picture below was shot in Sharjah emirate by a powerful SLR camera by my son Haris Beryalie. We can see the camel eating the dried out bush, only the dry wood is remaining. Camel pseudo-rumen is highly enriched with extremely diverse micro-organisms the same as the termites have in their stomach. Such specialized microorganisms digest the woody parts of the plants and produce volatile fatty acids for the energy.
Camel has a wide choice of plants selection. Very few are poisonous for camel and the wise camel always hesitate to eat.