Bactrian Camel and Bactria Camel in China and Mongolia

Mongolian Bactrian camel -Breeding, Milk Production, and Lactation Curve

Visit of Mongolian Bactrian camels and their Ecosystem

In April 2018, the author visited Mongolia, especially the Gobi desert to visit the Bactrian camel herders and explore the potential of camels in their unique ecosystem. The details of the survey report can be read at the link.
Interviewed by the national TV of Mongolia

Types of camel

There are 3 types of Bactrian camels in the region, i.e.

  1. Galba Gobiin Ulaan (Reddish-colored camel)
  2. Khaniin Khestiin Khuren (Brown colored camel)
  3. Thukhum MTungologiin kKhos Zogdott Khuren (double line neck hair)
Beautiful Bactrian Calf

Breeding Season

The breeding season starts in October and reached its peak in December and slowly declines and ceases in April. Usually, one Bull is enough for up to 70 she-camels. The details of the production traits are given in the table below.

Table: The Production Traits of the Bactrian camel in the region

MonthsConception Rate (%)Calving %ageAvg. Milk (kg)
Breeding season, Percentile of fertility, and milk production

The milk production potential and the lactation curve

Though the Bactrian milk production potential is lower (1-3 liter/day) compared to the Arabian camel (5-15 liter/day), the Bactrian milk is thicker (up to 14% total solids) and full of energy to give special strength to the calf to survive in challenging cold environment. The average milk production based on my survey is 640 ml/day (< 1 kg/day) with a lactation yield of 233 kg. The lactation here is calculated on the annual basis but in actuality, the camel produces for up to 8 months, producing 185 liters in 250 days. Here milk production means the milk which was harvested by the milker keeping in view the calf requirements.

Bactrian camel milk composition

No.ComponentAvg. %Highest level
5Total Solid1214
Milk composition derived from scientific literature for Bactrian

Physical-chemical characterizations of Mongolian Bactrian camel milk

Components %Bactrian (BCaM)Arabian (ACaM)
Specific gravity1.0141.017
pH Values6.436.77
Total Solids14.2312.74
Comparative composition reported from Mongolia by GansaiKhan et al 2011

Some Important Notes about the Bactrian camel Milk

  • The BCaM has higher contents of long chain (polyunsaturated) fatty acids (Mostly C18:1), safe for our heart and circulation system.
  • The BCaM has higher contents of Vit. A and Vit. C, providing additional vitality and survivability to cell life and health.
  • BCaM is rich with Immunoglobulin (considered as supper immune bullets) enabling our health to resist all types of infectious microbiomes.
  • The above facts are equally true for Arabian camel milk (ACaM).

Camel Milk Products

The nomads use camel milk as fresh directly. The surplus is converted into a fermented product (Hormook). The Hormook is used very widely and some products are available in the market in Ulaanbaatar. For further details about Bactrian milk, you can go to the link Detailed Nutritional Composition of Bactrian Camel’s Milk


The surplus Harmok is converted into CM Vodka and the residues are used to make Curt. Curt and Vodka are offered to the guests as a unique product of the Gobi.

The Attachment of Nomads with camel

The nomads love their camel very much. They call it Themeh in the Mongolian language. They use camels for milk, riding/racing, festivals, wool, and also for meat (in rare cases).

Camel and Nature Connection Camel in European Countries

Camel can be a Hope for the Regions under Sever Climate Change Calamities

Camel is one of the best animal models adapted to the harshest climatic conditions of the earth. Camel is engineered with super genes, evolved in tune with the climate change in the hundreds of years evolution history.

Seeing the tragic scenes on TV about the wildfires and the soaring heat in the regions not used to such challenges, the scientists are now thinking of adaptation strategies as the mitigation is complicated, expensive, and unsustainable.

As an animal scientist, working with the camels for the last 20 years, I’m very confident to say that one of the best adaptation strategies would be giving the camel a chance to perform as a food security animal. Though it is not easy and simple it is a reliable and sustainable model to ensure food security under the climate change challenge. Camel can be introduced in the forests (organic nutrients) which can consume the roughages which are otherwise causing hazardous fires. Camel and other animals especially goats can cut the link between the plants on the ground and the shoots of the trees, hence minimizing the risk of wildfires.

Camel with the ability to produce milk and meat in a very low or zero input system can provide amazing food ingredients, especially milk which is attracting thousands of new consumers because of its health-friendly nature. Camel milk is not only good food but helps in health challenges, especially the challenges which are posed because of lifestyle like diabetes.

I have been writing on the camelization of the camels in the new habitats which are different and far away from their original habitats of Asia and Africa. The new habitats like Australia, part of the USA, and Europe are the new habitats and the people over there are witnessed the miraculous attributes of camels under the challenges of climate change. Also, many reports are circulating about the health admiring role of the camel milk as we can read on the very active group wall posts on Facebook with the name of ‘HEALING WITH THE CAMEL MILK’

European scientists are convinced with the attributes of the camel and the renowned camel scientist Dr. bernard Faye is leading a camel milk project with the name of CAMELMILK (PRIMA project n° 1832) to materialize camel milk availability at the European level. There are very promising results coming out of the project. I can see the beautiful pictures of the milking camels and the cheese-making out of the camel milk.

In Europe, the camels are mainly housed in 3 countries, i.e. Germany, France, and Spain. Clearer information is only available for the Canary Island with at least 1,300 camels (the data is a bit controversial and maybe more than these figures). The average per camel milk yield (3 to 4 kg/day) is lower than in Africa, Arabia, and Central and South Asia. The prices of camel milk range from 8 to 10 Euro per kg camel milk. People are taking interest in camel milk and the consumers are increasing with a speedy incline curve. The main reasons for the camel milk likeness in Europe are;

  • People with allergies prefer camel milk as the camel milk is free of cow allergy proteins and intolerant lactose.
  • The health conscious people, especially the new generation
  • The people looking for the pharmacological affects of the camel milk and consider camel milk as natural pharmacy
  • The people who prioritize environment friendly production system

Challenges and the Way Forward

One of the most important challenges for the camel keepers in the new habitats is the lower yield of milk. The ancestors of those camels were imported into the regions for work. They are massive animals and comparatively low yielders in milk. In some regions, especially Europe they are somehow crossbred with the Bactrian camels which are very low yielder but producing thicker milk than the Arabian camels.

It will be a wise suggestion to make a camel dairy consortium at a global level with the support of the relevant countries’ governments to centralize the best camel genes for more and sustainable milk production. It is a bit tricky but not impossible. This will be a milestone in the journey of the camel dairying which will put longer impacts on the food systems and environments in the regions.

camel milk Camel Milk for Health

CaM-Immune Works Better than Normal Camel Milk- A Claim by Millie Hinkle

Cam-Immune shown extremely positive results on Cancer Patient

Research with cancer patients and Cam-Immune shown extremely positive results. Gave Cam-Immune immediately before chemo therapy treatment and again immediately after treatment. The high levels of antioxidants, antibodies, the Cam-Immune seems to act as a carrying agent for the chemotherapy directly to the tumor without any of the negative side effects normally experienced by patients. Shrinkage of tumors observed in radiological tests. Seeking camels and funding for further studies here in US.

Also very Positive Impact on the Autistic Kids

Observation of autistic children showed rapid response compared to just regular camel milk. Autistic children on Cam-Immune had improvement in eye contact,verbal response, cognitive measurement response and motor skill improvement within a shorter period of time than children on regular camel milk.

The best and acceptable way would be a comprehensive study with highly scientific methodology/ies in different ecological regions of the world, where a team of scientist with the diverse background is involved.

Dr. Raziq Kakar
World Milk Day

The World Milk Day and the Real Heros~Farmers

June 1, World Milk Day and a Glass of Camel Milk

Please raise a glass of camel milk to good health! In COVID-19, from Kazakhstan to Kenya, demand for camel milk is up by 20%, especially home delivery. Great to help the fab camel dairies, pastoralists, veterinarians and experts from around the world to better position and communicate. The cow dairy lobby is very well organized – and now camel milk producers and users with lactose intolerance and other health issues are getting better organized also!

Thanks, Jeffrey Flood for your BBC News 2020 interview which first inspired me to learn more about this superfood, a world with hidden goodness in the most extreme climate. Your knowledge of nutrition, immunity, and health led to the wider camel world with Prof. Dr. Abdul Raziq Kakar and so many more. Merci e santé a tous!

Extra important in these tough times to support farmers and pastoralists around the world. Humans and our planet really do need good, healthy food to stay alive and well VS processed, chemical, sugar, or hormone-filled foods which mess with our land and immune systems and can trigger unwanted conditions.

Good health to all!

Samantha Bolton, a camel loving journalist

Camel Milk for Health Cancer and others COVID-19 and camel milk Gut health

Camel Milk Lactoferrin! A Useful Tool Against the Infections

What is Lactoferrin?

Lactoferrin is one glycoprotein detected in livestock milk; as camel milk containing the highest amount in comparison to other livestock species. Lactoferrin boosts the immune system by protecting the cells against bacterial and viral infections and inflammations.

What does the Lactoferrin do?

The lactoferrin of mammalian species have been proved to inhibit the growth of some pathogenic strains in human and/or animal such as Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhimurium, Shigella dysenteriae, Listeria monocytogenes, Streptococcus spp., Vibrio cholerae, Legionella pneumophila, Klebsiella pneumophila, Enterococcus spp., Staphylococcus spp., Bacillus stearothermophilus and Bacillus subtilis

Lactoferrin helps in Keeping Healthy Gut Microbiome

Oral administration of lactoferrin reduces bacterial infections of the gastrointestinal tract and promoting the proliferation and growth of bacteria with low iron requirements such as Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria as beneficial strains for the host.

Explore the Novel Antimicrobial Molecule ‘LACTOFERRIN’

Lactoferrin can reduce bacterial growth, inhibit bacterial adhesion and biofilm formation; thus, it might be considered an antimicrobial therapeutic agent.  Regarding the increasing resistance to antibiotics, it is necessary to explore novel antimicrobial drugs for bacterial diseases.

For further details, click on the link below


The material and scientific support for this piece of work is provided by Dr. Tahereh Muhammadabadi, is Associate Professor and working on the healing power of camel milk.

Camel and Nature Connection Camel Milk for Health

Do they not look at the Camels?

How Are the Camels Made?

In the holy Quran, it is said “Do they not look at the Camels, how they are made? And at the Sky, how it is raised high? And at the Mountains, how they are fixed firm? And at the Earth, how it is spread out? In these honored verses, Allah (Praise & Glory be to him) surpassed the camel upon all other living creatures and made the contemplation of how it was mentioned prior to raising high the sky, fixing firm mountains, and spreading out the earth. In this honored verse, the Creator, who knows the secrets of his creatures, advises people to think and contemplate in creating camels as a creature witnesses Allah’s glory, power, and planning.

Majaheem camels in Al Ula Saudi Arabia.

The Camel Knows all the 100 Names

The Arabs believe that only the camels know the one-hundred name of God, which means that the human being knows 99 names of Allah, and the 100th name is only known by camel. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) delivered his last sermon, which is considered the Charter of Humanity while sitting on a camel called Qiswah. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) will be sitting on a camel while entering Jannah and Hazrat Bilal (RTA) will have the Mahar of the camel, leading camel to Jannah.

Autho love the camel milk


In short, the camel is unique, special, and incredible. There is a wide room in the camels’ field to explore and use its uniqueness for the well-being of health, nature, and environment.

Camel Milk and Natural Health Camel Milk for Health COVID-19 and camel milk General about camel

The Camel Community Urge UAE to Lead a Sophisticated Research on Camel Milk amid COVID-19

Since unknown times, camel milk has been considered as protection and medicine for different complex health issues. In the recent past, some scientific studies have proved the camel milk as a source of super healthy molecules, with strong healing power. There are strong believes and proofs that camel milk enhances the overall strength of the body to cope with the infections and stressful conditions.

The ongoing health crisis all over the world has realized the importance of natural ingredients to support our healths and combat viral attacks and other infections. The whole world is desperately looking for healthier and safe options to protect human health in challenging health crisis.

Hightime to Investigate the Camel Milk

It is the best time to investigate the potential medicine in camel milk to give ease and hope to the people in distress and pains. Camel milk comes from a very sustainable and environmentally friendly production system. If camel milk is proved as an immune booster and protective agent against the infections and viral attacks, then it will be a two-prong success for humanity, natural medicine, and supporting sustainable farming systems.

Trial Studies can Uncover the Truth

It is the best time to design trial studies with the camel milk on COVID-19 patients. The microbiologist, health professionals, camel experts can jointly launch very sophisticated trial studies of camel milk and can find the results with huge data on the overall health status and immunity on COVID-19 patients.

UAE can Lead the Research

UAE has visionary leadership, sophisticated institutions & labs, money, camels, and camel milk, the only country in the world blessed with all treasures at the same time. We, therefore suggest starting sophisticated scientific research & harvest the potential antibodies found in camel milk. Researchers in Belgium announces potential breakthroughs using the camelids’ antibodies (Llama) in COVID2019. The large camel dromedary is the closest relative of the Llamas. No better place for such research, UAE has always presented innovative scientific ideas, scientific solution to COVID-2019 through camel antibodies will be an incredible experience to the world.

Why Investigate Camel’s Immunity?

As MERS (another type of coronavirus) in camel and camels survive with it for hundreds of years, then their antibodies are working, we are quite sure. This “may” mean people drinking camel milk might have a stronger immune, due to their body antibodies developed over time, in combination with “stuff” from camel milk.

Food for Thought

My suggestion or desire is based on the magical realities related to the incredible camel. I hereby suggest through this post to please investigate the camel milk as a potential immunity booster in complicated infections like COVID-19. Not only the milk but the plasma’s antibodies of the Arabian camel can give hope to the people in pain amid this health emergency crisis.

Adults General Health Camel Farm & Milk Production Camel in America Camel in Australia Camel in China and Mongolia Camel in European Countries Camel in India and Pakistan Camel in Middle East and Africa Camel Milk and Natural Health Camel milk for Diabetes Camel Milk for Health Cancer and others COVID-19 and camel milk General about camel Milk quality

Camel Milk is Safe and Health Conducive in Health Emergency COVID-19

Camel milk is not only safe but gives you vitality and natural support in coping with the health emergency, the COVID-19. For the last few days, I have been noticing some rumors circulating on social media narrating to avoid camel milk in COVID-19 emergency. As an official statement from the camel milk community, I hereby reject such false assumption and ask you to please take camel milk as a safe and healthy food as usual. Also, those who are not on camel milk or have no experience with the camel milk should come to this rich food.

Here are some key reasons why you should take camel milk not only as a food but as a very rich and naturally fortified bar. The camel milk (CaM) strengthens and revitalizes your body because of the following reasons.

a. Making you stronger and naturally Immunized: CaM is rich with super molecules like lysosomes, lactoferrin, Vit. C etc, helping in strengthening the body defence system.

b. Biochemical Balance: Due to its unique composition and super balance of minerals, vitamins, fatty acids, and amino acids the camel milk provides a very healthy biochemical balance to the body. Such a good biochemical balance provide a medium for effecient physiological performance inside the body. 

d. Hormonal Calmness: The camel milk enhances the performance of the endocrine system in the body because of its nutrients, and its balance, which lead to a superbalance of the hormones. Such balance minimizes the shocks of the stress and strokes.  

f. Antiinflamatory effect: Because of its special micronutrients (nanobodies), camel milk enhances the performance at cell and tissue level which helps in effecient metabolism. 

g. Boost natural secretion: The camel milk boost the production of natural secretions and enzyems inside the body. Such secretions act as laxative, washing/flushing body, lowering load of oxidents  and poisonous residues which ultimately help in keeping the body performance very good and effecient. 

e. Helping hand in good sleep: The above mentioned performance of camel milk in the body boost and revitalize the body and help in a very good and deep sleep. 

For further study and details, please go to the link http://e. Helping hand in good sleep: W

cAmEl MiLk is a Natural Moisturizer

Camel milk forth is an appealing moisturizer. Look how an expert explains in this video about the importance and application of the camel milk forth or foam? Camel milk is very rich with supermolecules, capable of healing and revitalizing our skins. It can protect one from the sunburn and dry and chilling winds’ effects.

Camel Milk and Natural Health Camel Milk for Health Farm health

Camel Milk is a Natural Dewormer

A recently published study by the National Veterinary School of Sidi Thabet, Tunisia and ICARDA suggests that camel’s milk offers a practical and sustainable resource to tackle widespread gastro-intestinal sheep worms in low input production systems.

Interest in Natural Healing Products

There has been growing interest in the use of natural products. “Natural products are an alternative source of bio-active compounds to control viral, bacterial and parasitic infections,” says Dr. Hafidh Akkari, a member of the research team in Tunisia. “Nutritional pharmacology is an important new research area for clean and sustainable livestock enterprises.”  Milk is one option that has been considered since it has anti-parasitic properties and is also renewable, environmentally friendly, quickly degradable, easily accessible, and cost-effective

Camel Milk as Dewormer in Sheep

In addition to a detailed chemical analysis of the camel milk, the research team used two main tests to investigate the in vitro efficacy of camel milk against a common type of gastrointestinal parasite, Haemonchus contortus. This blood-sucking parasite of the sheep stomach can cause severe anemia and productivity losses; acute infestations and high worm burdens may even cause death in lambs.  The effect of camel milk on egg hatching and adult parasite populations was impressive: camel’s milk was the only milk-type to have an inhibitory effect on egg hatching, and it caused significant paralysis or death of adult worms at different post-treatment intervals, even at low concentrations. 

The Scientists Gave a Chance to the Camel Milk

This study is the first to conclusively show that camel’s milk could potentially help control the most important parasite affecting sheep,” says Dr. Mourad Rekik, a senior small ruminant production scientist at ICARDA, who collaborated in the study. “Given its in vivo effect and bioactive molecules, we believe that camel milk represents an accessible, renewable and cost-effective alternative to control parasites. Harnessed properly, it provides an opportunity to boost livestock productivity and raise rural incomes

Thinking out of the Box

Sometimes before I read the posts of the moms who are keeping their kids on camel milk for certain reasons, claiming that their kids are gaining weight and inclining from the skinny level to healthy levels. Even one mom told me that she found worms in the stool of her kid after the intake of camel milk. Therefore, I always say to give a chance to the camel milk.

For details, please go to the original post in the link below.

Adults General Health Camel in China and Mongolia Camel Milk and Natural Health Camel Milk for Health Cancer and others General about camel

Researching Camel Milk as an Antiviral Agent in the Context of COVID-19

A Novel Idea

The abstract of the whole talk is based on a novel idea to study the repercussions of camel milk on the treatment and control of COVID-19. I’m quite confident that this idea will work and will save precious human lives in a short period of time. Camel milk boosts immunity, flush body from toxins & oxidants, and kills the microorganisms in the body. There are many valid reasons behind such claims and suggestions, which you can read in the following paragraphs. 

CaM is a Natural Pharmacy

Camel is a strange and unique creature and the camel products are very exclusive, especially the white gold milk. Camel milk which I abbreviate as CaM has tremendous potential to naturally heal human bodies from different complex ailments and wash it from poisons. The power to heal complex ailments is coming from the specially designed molecules which work as natural medicine, hence CaM is known as a natural pharmacy.

The CaM had been using as a natural elixir since unknown times by the people in Asia and Africa. The camel keepers in the far and wide regions had been using camel milk for the treatment of different disease conditions. The Bedouins had been using camel milk to treat viral diseases like hepatitis hundred of years before.

Miraculous Molecules in Camel Milk

The findings of different studies available in scientific literature revealing the role of CaM as a healing agent. CaM is fortified with special ingredients like protective proteins (lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase, immunoglobulins), micro microminerals, vitamins, and lysozyme, making CaM a super antidote against infectious diseases. CaM’s medicinal properties covering a wide range of ailments as; autoimmune diseases, allergies, asthma, rashes, diabetes, liver disorders, rheumatism, inflammatory conditions, piles, urethral irritation, infectious diseases, stress/depression, peptic ulcers, and even cancer.

Ongoing Studies

The miraculous potential of CaM is not claimed only based on the traditional knowledge and the novel molecules in its composition but many invitro and invivo studies have proved the worth of the CaM as antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, anticancerous and supportive therapy in diabetes and other convoluted diseases.
As for as I know, there are many ongoing and planned studies on CaM to understand the pathways of its mode of action and the diseases which can be treated/facilitated with the camel milk. The author is part of some studies thematic areas to study the awesome properties of CaM in human health. Very new updates are the emerging themes claiming CaM enriches the gut microbiome and enhance its healing power and the overall resistance of the body to different ailments.


As we are convinced that nature is perfect and provides solutions to complex situations, so the natural product like camel milk should be given a chance to study if it works against the COVID-19 virus or not. Nature has never unearthed a snag unless an antidote has not engineered within the natural resources. I strongly believe in this philosophy.

Adults General Health Camel Milk and Natural Health Cancer and others General about camel

The Traditional Use of Camel Milk in Liver Diseases got Scientific Validations

A Natural Pharmacy

Camel milk is well known as a natural pharmacy and alternative medicine since unknown times. The traditional knowledge, the holy books, and the quotes of the distinguished personalities, all had had praised the healing power of the camel milk (CaM).

Modern Science Validates the Traditional Knowledge

The healing power of CaM recently proved and appreciated by the modern scientific findings. Many scientific studies have revealed that CaM is rich in vitamin C, protective proteins (lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase, immunoglobulins), micro microminerals and lysozyme, making it a super healing agent. Being rich with such noble nutrients, CaM is extraordinary in terms of antioxidative agents, antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, making it a natural pharmacy for the complicated ailments, especially hepatitis (liver ailments)

A specific study (Alla et al, 2011) conducted to understand the function of camel milk in liver physiology revealed that CaM can be used as an herbal remedy for the treatment of alcoholism and other liver diseases which affect the hepatic enzymes as well as the liver tissues.

CaM Neutralizes Viral Activity in the Liver

The viruses causing hepatitis are neutralized by CaM, blocking out their enzyme activity, and the antibodies are effective inhibitors of hepatitis enzymes system (Yagil, 2004). Other studies conducted by Middle Eastern Scientists on the role of camel milk, revealed that camel lactoferrin was demonstrated a remarked in-vitro ability to completely inhibit the Hepatitis C Virus (HCP) entry into PBMC, hepG2, and replication inside those cells system (Esmail,2008). It means that the CaM heals the liver diseases caused by hepatitis and other infections.

The camel keepers have strong belief that the CaM can heal the NASOOR (traditional term for malignant tumor) of the liver. The very active antibodies found in CaM bind onto the tumors, killing the tumor cells without damaging healthy tissue (Lvy and Yagil, 2013). It is also revealed that anti-tumor properties of camel milk are due to strong antimicrobial and anti-oxidative activities that help in reduction of liver inflammation and camel milk is rich with nutrients that are required for healthy liver function. Conversely, camel milk also shown to have potential thrombolytic action, as it causes inhibition of coagulation and fibrin formation which in turn hinders the spread and growth of metastatic tumour cells (Musa et al, 2013).

The challenging environmental conditions, food contaminations, and high stress levels resulting in a disturbed gut microbiome, leading to Metabolic syndrome (MetS). Metabolic syndrome (MetS) has several health consequences, liver enzymes elevation is one among them. According to the observed favorable effects of fermented camel milk on liver enzymes, its consumption may be considered as a functional food supplement in related circumstances (Zahra et al, 2018).

In a reviewed work, Jalil et al (2018) concluded that CaM is used to treat hepatitis C. The camel’s milk immunoglobulin has no light chain and is known as a nanobody. Nanobody, due to the ability to detect unusual and hidden antigens as well as the ability to convert to multi-treatment therapeutic proteins has been considered as a good tool in designing novel immunotherapy strategies for the treatment of cancer, inflammatory and infectious diseases. These immunoglobulins can be transmitted through the CaM.

CaM is a Silver lining in the Clouds

The CM is a silver lining in the clouds for those who face liver dis-functioning and other health ailments. The scientific findings (CMs’ potential healing power) is an additional satisfaction which helps in convincing people with urban and academic backgrounds, asking for scientific proves. It is now pretty sure that CaM can efficiently health the liver complications. I hereby suggest to those who have liver ailments and other complications to using camel milk for better health and a happy life.


  • Alla et al; 2011. Sudanese Journal of Public Health, Vol 6 (4) Esmail; 2008. Hepatitis Monthly; 8(2) 101-109
  • Yagil; 2004. Camel Milk and Autoimmune Disease. Historical Medicine
  • Zahra et al; 2018. Positive Effect of Fermented Camel Milk on Liver Enzymes of Adolescents with Metabolic Syndrome: a Double Blind, Randomized, Cross-over Trial.
  • Levy A, SteinerL, Yagil R (2013) Camel milk: disease control and dietary laws. Journal of Health Science 1: 48-53 
  • Musaad AM; Faye B, Al-Mutairi, Sallal E (2013) Seasonal and physiological variation of gross composition of camel milk in Saudi Arabia. Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture 618-624 .
  • Jalil et al; 2018. Natural Products for the Treatment of Hepatitis C.

Further Studies

  • Review
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