World Camel Day World Camel Day 22 June

World Camel Day Event in Alain, UAE

If you are in Alain, it is the best opportunity to visit the Camel Farm and the camel milk processing factory. We have a great event organized by Alain Farms for Livestock Production to celebrate World Camel Day. I invite you to please attend this important event. #camelday

General about camel World Camel Day 22 June

The hottest and challenging day is a camel day

Right now I’m going back home from the desert camel farm. I met by chance at a grazing and roaming camel herd. It is 3 p.m. on 22 June 2023 (World Camel Day), the longest and one of the hottest days of the year. It is 45 C. You can see the camels grazing on highly adapted shrubs/bushes enjoying the challenging weather (absorbing heat now which will dissipate in the night). I’m talking from my car and making a video, already released on the YouTube channel Camelogist.

From the field at the eve of World Camel Day 2023

In 2009, the author conceptualized the idea of a World Camel Day (WCD) to aware people of the importance of camels as food security agents in climate change scenarios. Here is the link to read about the history of World Camel Day.
The history of World Camel Day

Why do we choose the date of 22nd June as World Camel Day?

In the original habitat of camel (Arabian Peninsula), 21 June is the longest and hottest day of the year. Camel sustains its performance in such harsh and hostile environments.

Further important reading about the World Camel Day

Who is the founder of World Camel Day?

What is World Camel Day?

World Camel Day 22 June

World Camel Day (WCD) Session on 24 tv Channel Riyadh Saudi Arabia

World Camel Day (WCD) Session on 24 tv Channel Riyadh Saudi Arabia

The session was directly covered by the 24 sport channel of Saudi Arabia. It was a 1 hour live seminar about the world camel day. Abu Muhammad Bin Oudah (camel farmer from KSA), Dr. Suleiman, Dr. Mubarak Swelem, Dr. Abdul RAZIQ Kakar (the founder of the world camel day) participated in the conference. 

Bin Oudah spoke about the present status and future prospects of the camel in Saudi Arabia. He emphasized on the role of camel in Saudi culture and business. He was quite optimistic with the future of the camel in Saudi Arabia and the world. He suggested to be get ready well in time for the year of camelids in 2024.

Founder of the World Camel Day with a beautiful happy camel in Fujairah UAE

Camel is the Animal of Future

Future of the camel is very bright because it is highly adapted to the harsh climate conditions. It can sustain milk production (where temperature reaches to 52C) in conditions where the other type of livestock can hardly survive. The camels eat the food mainly based on woody material which has otherwise no use except burning for fuel. The camel convert such wood material into valuable food for human (milk, meat) and detritivores (manure). Adaptation is the real worth of camel and the utmost need of the human being. We need livestock for our food security to be convenient in harsh weather and doesn’t need much inputs like more water, cooling, biosafety, specialized food etc. 

Kharani camel in Chaghai Kharan Region of Balochistan Pakistan

2024 is the year of Camelids, specified by the UNFAO. I wish the policymakers and scientist recognize and appreciate the camel as the highly adapted livestock ensuring food security and managing the fragile ecosystem under the climate change scenario. 

Dr. Muhammad Suleiman detailed out the issues, problems and challenges of the camels in Saudi Arabia. He mentioned the challenges for the camel as; no proper knowledge/practice about the diseases, especially with the climate change as new health challenges are emerging. He stressed on coordinated efforts to organize a serious forum to have a comprehensive work on the camel health challenges.

Dr. Mubarak Swelem highlighted the importance of the camel as a business opportunity in the kingdom and abroad. He elaborated that investment in the camel can increase the business opportunities and jobs for the people in the camel world. He suggested to find out the chances which can be grabbed for the business opportunities in the camel world. 

Dr. Abdul RAZIQ Kakar (author and key speaker) was stormed by many questions from all the 3 panelists/presenters and the TV anchor person. In following lines I’m sharing the questions along with the answers. 

Q 1. Why a World Camel Day and what were the motives behind this idea?

Answer: No doubt the camel is well known and praised in some cultures but still it is hiding from the eyes of the major part of the world especially the policymakers. The camel is considered as the animal of old world and remote and regions. The policymakers have no clear understanding about the real worth of the incredible camels. In Australia without any support the camel increased in population manifolds. They helped in  revegetation and revitalization of the remote drylands of the inner Australia but the policymakers of the country decided to kill the precious camels. Thousands of camels were killed in last few years. In other camel countries the camels are badly neglected and seldom considered in the research and development policies of the country. The overall understanding and knowledge about the camel is very rare and sporadic. In such a circumstances, I realized to have a specific day in the year’s calendar to speak about the camel and highlight its importance a the global level.

Q 2. When a World Camel Day was started?

Answer: With a small one day seminar in the beautiful city of Quetta (capital of Balochistan province of Pakistan) the foundation of the world camel day was laid. Interestingly, the first event was sponsored by a Saudi professor, Dr. Abdul Salam Abax from Qasseem area. The city of Quetta was selected because of the 50 % of the camels of Pakistan are only placed in Balochistan. Later on, each year many more people joined the WCD from different quarters of the world and now it is being celebrated in different parts of the world even in the regions which are not culturally familiar with the camel world. 

Q 3. Why 22 June was selected for the world camel day?

Answer: June is the hottest month and 22 June is the hotted and longest day of the year. In such a challenging conditions, camel is the only player sustaining its own survival and providing precious food item to the people living in the deserted hot weathers. To praise and admire the importance of the camel, no other day is better than 22nd June.

Q 4. What is your message at the occasion of the World Camel Day?

Answer: Camel is the animal of future, sustaining food security under the challenging weathering conditions. The camel not only secure the food sustenance but also play a pivotal role in the ecosystem management. My message is to please love the camel, care the camel and give the camel a chance to play its role.  

World Camel Day 22 June

World Camel Day is being Celebrate for a Week in Dubai

World Camel Day Forum

A successful World Camel Day Celebration to highlight the important role camels play in food security, desert ecosystems and how their products impact people’s lives

 Dubai, 19 June 2022:  ADCRC, the Arabian Desert Camel Riding Center, hosted its first World Camel Day Forum this Saturday.  The event took place at Mawaheb Community Café and was completely booked out. The attendees were able to listen to some of the biggest names in the scientific camel research space including Dr. Raziq Karkar (author), founder of world camel day and Dr. Ilse Koehler-Rollefson, award winning author, researcher and activist, who had travelled from India. To celebrate the uniqueness, importance and relevance of the camel, ADCRC hosted their first forum in honor of World Camel Day, which is on 22nd of June each year.

Dr Raziq Kakar is delivering lecture

To know who, why and when – World Camel Day was celebrated

To know about the above important questions, please click on the links below;

The Camel Milk is a Natural Pharmacy and the Camel Revitalize the Deserts

Dr. Raziq Karkar (author) captured the audience’s attention with his personal story of how he went from not being able to walk due to arthritis at a young age, to being completely healed through camel milk in the mountains of Pakistan and how this was his inspiration to become a vet and expert on camel milk. His research in Al Ain has revealed how the desert ecosystem benefits from grazing camels, by distributing seeds and ensuring bio diversity in flora and fauna. He encouraged the audience to seek sources of camel milk, directly from farms or through the supermarkets.  Karkar,said: “we are extremely lucky to be in the UAE , which is the only country in the world which has fresh camel milk available on supermarket shelves.”

Discussion about the historical background of the world camel day

 Camels can Make the Fortune of the Pastoralists

Dr. Ilse Koehler-Rollefson, who lives in Rajasthan for over 30 years, has published many books on camel health but also camel related products and their dwindling economy, resulting India’s camel populating plummeting from once 1.5 million to just about 200,000 in a very short span of time, a very contrary situation comparing to the UAE. India used to be the listed as the third biggest camel population and is now faced with difficulties maintaining steady numbers. Dr Koehler-Rollefson outlined that a lack of lobby and cultural hurdles limit the sale of camel milk, despite the importance of maintaining camel pastoralism in Rajasthan, due to its desert climate.Apart from the question of food supply, camels in India were also a key driver for tourism, which poses an additional risk to the fragile local economy, should the numbers decline further.

Camel Milk is an Incredible Natural Medicine for Skin Health

The speakers were also joined by Stevi Lowmass, the CEO and founder of The Camel Soap Factory (TCSF). Lowmass outlined how she incorporates locally produced camel milk in her products to reduce carbon footprint but also because of the noticeable health benefits to the users of her products. TCSF contributed to the EXPO merchandise line and won Natural Beauty Product of the Year Award. Lowmass also spoke about initial apprehension towards camel milk as an ingredient but users have become loyal customers and ambassadors thanks to the superior quality and results.

Camel is an Amazing Companion Animal

The last speaker on the panel was Layla Donders, who travelled more than 2,500 kilometers with a camel caravan. The two journeys lead her from Damascus in Syria to Teheran in Iran and back into the UAE and Oman. She recounted the time of identifying the camels for her journey, back in Syria as a critical time and outlined who the relationship to the animals was the most critical part. She now lives near Muscat in Oman. Her oldest camel is now 28 years old and was part of the long journeys.

Author with a beautiful camel in Fujairah UAE

Camel Movie Night

In addition to the forum and panel discussion, Arabian Desert Camel Riding Center has arranged for a unique movie night at Roxy Cinema City Walk on Tuesday (21st June) as well as an event at the camel riding center, displaying different traditional camel riding gear and offering a camel milk tasting in the evening.

Arabian Desert Camel Riding on 22nd June

The Arabian Desert Camel Riding Center is the first licensed center to train camel jockeys for races, with an official training license issued by Dubai Camel Racing Club. The center was founded by Obaid bin Subaih al Falasi and Linda Krockenberger in January 2021. The centre will arrange a camel riding on 22nd June, the real camel day.

For further details, please click on the link below.

World Camel Day 22 June

What is World Camel Day?

World Camel Day honors the incredible camel and its importance in many spheres of life. To highlight the importance of the camel at the global level, Dr. Abdul Raziq Kakar founded World Camel Day. Every year since its launch in 2009, World Camel Day has been celebrated on 22 June. Camel habitats observe World Camel Day on this date because it is the longest and hottest day of the year.

A herd of lactating camels grazing on cactus plants in Jigjiga
A herd of lactating camels grazing on cactus plants in Jigjiga

Why a World Camel Day?

Camel is a multipurpose, unique, and very useful animal for livelihood earning in the challenging climatic conditions of its habitats. Because of the towering power of adaptation, the camel ensures food security in conditions where other types of livestock can hardly survive. Camel is an efficient biological machine, converting poor roughages (shrubs, bushes, and dry foliage) into precious milk while consuming a lesser amount of water/kg milk production. The camel extracts water from its excreta and produces an almost dry and hard manure ball, as well as an extract from the urine via its incredible kidneys, producing urine thicker than syrup. Camel produces milk with medicinal and functional properties, rightly called a natural pharmacy. For further details please read the below article.

Celebrating World Camel Day and how it helps in advocating camel at the global level

Who is the author of the World Camel Day?

Dr. Raziq Kakar is a doctorate in animal science, with a special emphasis on dromedary as a potential dairy animal, He has been working with the camels for the last 22 years. He gained practical experience with camels, like a camel dairy professional, both by training and experience. Since 2014, Dr. Raziq Kakar is solely working with a camel dairying entity (Alain Farms for Livestock Production) which is the world’s first commercial camel dairy, Alain Abu Dhabi UAE. In my philosophy, the camel is a magical biological model coping with the warming planet scenario while producing health-promising milk and meat in challenging circumstances.

Founder of the World Camel Day
World Camel Day 22 June

Why We Celebrate a World Camel Day?

The Longest and Hottest Day is a Camel Day (22 June)

Camel is a multipurpose, unique, and very useful animal for livelihood earning in the challenging climatic conditions of its habitats. Because of the towering power of adaptation, the camel ensures food security in conditions where other types of livestock can hardly survive. Camel is an efficient biological machine, converting poor roughages (shrubs, bushes, and dry foliage) into precious milk while consuming a lesser amount of water/kg milk production. The camel extracts water from its excreta and produces an almost dry and hard manure ball, as well as an extract from the urine via its incredible kidneys, producing urine thicker than syrup. Camel produces milk with medicinal and functional properties, rightly called a natural pharmacy. Camel also provides fiber, hides, recreation, sports opportunities, transportation & accessibility to millions of people around the world. The camel plays an incredible role in dispersing seeds, enriching soil fertility, recycling the woody roughages into manure (food for the soil microbiome), and overall ecosystem management. 

We celebrate World Camel Day to highlight the camel’s importance and usefulness among researchers, policymakers, and other stakeholders

Besides the above-discussed potential and opportunities, the camel is still hiding from the eyes of the policymakers. Camel is seldom considered in R&D policies, both locally and globally which is very unfortunate. Camel4Life International is an influential forum advocating camel at the global level, with a workforce of caramelized (camel scientists, nomads/pastoralists, farmers, students, lovers) from all over the world. 

We celebrate World Camel Day each year on the 22nd of June to highlight the importance of an incredible camel and aware/educate the masses about the role of the camel in food security, climate change adaptation, culture, and ecosystem management. Each year, this day is celebrated in many parts of the world and the interest is increasing with the passing of each camel day. Dr. Abdul Raziq Kakar (author) is the founder and author of the world camel day.

Founder of World Camel Day

The interest of the people beyond the camels’ habitats is also increasing and the demand for camel milk is increasing with the passage of time. More and more people are coming into the camel milk and sports business. We can see camel dairies in Western countries and regions like USE, Australia, and the European Union. Also, now we have camel racing in France and Australia, and soon more countries will enter the ring. The celebration of camel day is a success story and great support for the camel development.

A camel woman is milking a camel in the Cholistan desert of Pakistan.
A camel woman is milking a camel in the Cholistan desert of Pakistan.
World Camel Day 22 June

Who is the founder of World Camel Day?

World Camel Day is Celebrated on 22nd June each Year in Different Regions of the World. Dr. Abdul Raziq Kakar is the founder of the world camel day.

Dr. Raziq Kakar is a doctorate in animal science, with a special emphasis on dromedary as a potential dairy animal, He has been working with the camels for the last 22 years. He gained practical experience with camels, like a camel dairy professional, both by training and experience. Since 2014, Dr. Raziq Kakar is solely working with a camel dairying entity (Alain Farms for Livestock Production) which is the world’s first commercial camel dairy, Alain Abu Dhabi UAE. In my philosophy, the camel is a magical biological model coping with the warming planet scenario while producing health-promising milk and meat in challenging circumstances.

History of the World Camel Day

While compiling my Ph.D. work, and reading piles of books and scientific articles about the camels and camel-related aspects, I realized that there must be a special day to celebrate World Camel Day. This day will be helpful in advocating and promoting camels and spreading awareness among the masses about the importance of the incredible camel in livelihood and food security.

Why do we choose the date of 22nd June?

In its original habitat, 21 and 22 June are the longest and hottest days of the year, in the northern hemisphere of the globe. Camel sustains its abilities of production in such harsh and hostile environments and adapts to the soaring heat and long thirsty days. For further reading about the history of World Camel Day, please go to the link below.

World Camel Day

How did World Camel Day start?

From 2009 to 2012 WCD was celebrated in the province of Balochistan (the important habitat of camels, 50% share of Pakistan’s 1 million population of camels). Slowly and gradually, we earned support at the country as well as global level.

World Camel Day Poster

In 2013, we launched the WCD Facebook page and received appreciation and support from all over the world. The next year, in 2014 WCD started celebrating in the different corners of the globe. The same year, LMUAF under the supervision of Dr. Muhammad Younas launched the Dachi camel milk brand in the university and invited the famous camel lady Ilse Kohler Rollefson to attend the WCD 2014 and inaugurate the Dachi milk. For more details, please click on the link;
The history of WCD

Way Forward

World Camel Day is appealing to cameleers from all quarters of the world. Each year new ideas are being floated under the banner of World Camel Day. The people are now better aware of the importance of camel than before. We have more knowledge about the different aspects of the camels. There is an international camel advocacy forum (think tank) with the name of Camel4Life International, advocating camels at the global level. Policymakers at all levels are now convinced of the importance of camels in livelihood earning, food security, and ecosystem services of the camel.

Raigi camel of Kakar Khurasan
World Camel Day 22 June

The World Camel Day – 22 June

The Challenging Climatic Conditions

As the globe is getting warmer and warmer, the only reliable and trustworthy source of food left are the plants & animals’ genetic resources that are highly adaptable to the climate challenges. Adaptation is the guarantee for a sustainable and uninterrupted food supply despite all challenges. Camel is unique among all the adapted animal genetic resources for food and agriculture. We can say that the camel is a unique gift of nature for desert dwellers. As the camel is highly tolerant, adapted, efficient, and sustainable, ensuring food security in the arid regions of the world.

Brela camel of Pat (Sibi plainlands) of Balochistan Pakistan.

Climate change affects water sources (scarcity and salinity), feed (scarcity and quality), and the soaring heat – The camel is the solution for all the above-mentioned challenges.

The camel is hiding from the eyes of policymakers

Despite some attention in the Anthropocene, the unique creature (camel) is either ignored or undermined by different quarters, especially the policymakers.

World Camel Day

The author, therefore, proposed a day (22nd June) to think and aware the masses about this precious animal and advocate for the camel to get a proper place again. Our camel advocacy forum CAMEL4LIFE INTERNATIONAL is advocating camels at all available forums, especially for its’ incredible milk, which is considered a natural pharmacy.

Raigi camel of Kakar Khurasan Zhob region of Pakistan

Thanks to all my camelists friends who supported my camel cause. I’m happy to see the progress of our forum, many quarters have realized the importance of the camel as a food security animal under the challenging climatic conditions.

World Camel Day 22 June

World Camel Day – How it started?

Camel and my Childhood

Since my childhood, I have been keenly looking at the camel herds of the Afghan Kuchis. They have been passing near our village in Northeastern Balochistan Pakistan. Whenever a salt seller camel to our village, smelling salts from the salt wells of Kakar Khurasan, the beast was always a camel. During my childhood, I was used to making camel toys with clay. As a curious kid, I always asked many many questions about the camel. So, my interest in camels started in my childhood.

Camel milk – Natural pharmacy for my sickness

A decade earlier severe arthritis (Rheumatoid Arthritis) almost killed me and I was unable to move from the bed. An old wise man advised me to move to a camel breeding area and take fresh camel milk regularly. I started my new life while obeying the advice and reached the Suleiman Mountainous Region of Balochistan (the camel heartland). I lived with the camel people, enjoyed their company, learned a lot about camels, and took camel milk regularly. I established a viewpoint that camel milk is a natural pharmacy not just white fluid milk. I recovered soon and started climbing the mountains, the joyful feeling of my life.

Ph.D. in Camel (2005-2009)

While compiling my Ph.D. work, and reading piles of books and articles about the camels and camel-related aspects, I realized that there must be someday, mentioning and realizing the importance of the incredible camel.

The Conception of World Camel Day – First world camel day 2009

In 2009, I conceptualized the idea of a world camel day (WCD) to aware people of the importance of camel as a food security agent in climate change scenarios. From 2009 to 2012, WCD was celebrated only in the province of Balochistan (the important habitat of camels, 50% share of Pakistan’s 1 million population of camels). Slowly and gradually, we earned support at the country as well as global level.

Why do we choose the date of 22nd June?

In its original habitat, 21 June is the longest and hottest day of the year, in the northern hemisphere of the globe. Camel sustains its abilities of production in such harsh and hostile environments and adapts to the soaring heat and long thirsty days. We should have chosen the 21st of June as world camel day but it is specified for the world father day. So, we decided to skip 21 and selected 22nd June as the world camel day. The difference in day length is only 2 seconds between the 21st and 22nd of June. For further reading about the history of the world camel day, please go to the link below.

International colleagues’ support

Here, I must praise the role of the very important camel colleagues like Ilse Kohler Rollefson, Prof. Dr. Yagil (the late), Dr. Abdul Salam Abax (KSA), and many other colleagues. It is very hard to mention the names of all the people who supported me in this noble cause.

Recent development

In recent years, we have gained much development, there is an increasing awareness about the camel and the world camel day is celebrated in many quarters of the world. Last year (2021) there was a Twitter trend ‘worldcamelday‘. With the support of the International Camel Organization, an international seminar was held with the collaboration of UNESCO which was live-streamed on Twitter, Youtube, and other media outlets.

Camel Conference The Camel and Climate Change World Camel Day 22 June



S e p t 3 0 t h – O c t I s t , 2 0 2 1

A World Camel Day Series

Climate change is a bitter reality and the globe is facing the consequences of this phenomenon. It is imperative to strive for food security in this scenario. The camel is an amazing species along with extraordinary resilience in changing environments.  There is a  need to explore and share the potential and future of this creature under climate change circumstances.  The Department of Livestock Production and Management is taking one step forward to organize the International Camel Conference (Virtual) in collaboration with Camel Association of Pakistan to take advantage of exploring the potential of this creature through cooperation, hard work, research & development to open new doors in the multi-value research aspect.  We welcome the dignitaries,    researchers,    and scholars to this event.


  • Prof. (R) Dr. Muhammad Younas, Ex Dean FAH, Founding President, Camel Association of Pakistan (CAP)
  • Prof. Dr. Zafar Iqbal Qureshi, Deptt. of Theriogenology, Uni. of Agriculture, Faisalabad.
  • Nisar Ahmad Wani, Scientific Director Reproductive Biotechnology Centre, Nad Al Sheba, Dubai
  • Dr Abdul Raziq Kakar, Technical Operations Manager, Al-Ain Farms, Abu Dhabi, International. Camel Dairying Specialist & Consultant
  • Prof. Dr Taherah Mohammadabadi, Agricultural Sciences, and Natural Resources, University of Khuzestan, Iran
  • Prof. Dr. Tarun Kumar Gahlot, Rajasthan Agri. Uni., Bikaner, India. Editor: J. Camel Practice and researcher.
  • Pauline Gitonga, Dryland Animal Health Consultant, ASAL Extension Ltd. Kenya
  • Mr. Douglas Baum, Owner at The US Army Camel Experiment
  • Mr. Jama Warsame, Founder of White Gold Camel Milk Co., Kenya
  • Dr. Asim Faraz, General Secretary CAP Assistant Prof., Bahauddin Zakariya Uni., Multan

World Camel Day, 22nd June

June; the harshest month of summer with the longest and hottest days of the year (21 June) in the northern hemisphere, the cradle of camel (old world) domestication. The world is celebrating WCD since 2009 to aware the public and policymakers of the incredible role of the camel.

Abstracts Are Still Accepted

  • Short abstract (200-250 words)
  • Extended abstracts (2000-2500) words.
  • Registration: 14th August 2021
  • Abstract submission deadline: 22th Sept. 2021
  • Accepted Abstract Notification: 25th Sept. 2021
  • Talk submission deadline: 27th Sept. 2021

For more Information and Registration; please go to the link for registration.

Camel stories World Camel Day 22 June

Are the Camels Conquering the World?

By B. Faye

A camel story by Dr. Bernard Faye from France. Dr. Faye is a very experienced and knowledgeable person in camel’s world. He is the founding member and the chairman of the International Society of Camelids Development and Research (ISOCARD).

The story about the camel future – Animal of future

In continuation of the series of camel stories from different regions of the world

Camel Beyond Their Cradle of Domestication

From their places of domestication 5000 years ago, dromedary and Bactrian camels moved far away from their cradle (origin of domestication). Two main parameters can explain this camel stock moving: The aridification of the Sahara starting just before the Christian Era. The trade routes in Asia from China to the Mediterranean coast (Silk Road) and across Sahara from the Maghreb to the Sahel, using camels’ caravans.

Dr. Bernard Faye

FAO Statistics and the Camels

The world statistics (site FAOstat) available since 1961 only, show a regular increase of the camel population (approximatively 3%/year), but with different demography patterns.

Global Demographic Trends in Camels

Globally, we can distinguish a Trend as

  1. Countries with a decline of the camel population, but except in India, this decline was stopped since the years 2000’s for example in China, Turkey, and Middle-east (5 % of the total camel population) (5 % of the total camel population)
  2. Countries with a regular growth of their population (North and Horn of Africa, Pakistan, and Central Asia) (50 % of the total camel population)
  3. Countries with important increase after slight decline which concern Syria and Bahrein only (1.5 % of the total camel population)
  4. Countries with sudden increase after a long regular growth (Sahel countries and Arabian Peninsula) ( 43.5 % of the total camel population)

New implantations are also observable

After importing some camels in Australia in the XIXth century, a large camel population is nowadays present in this country. Camels were also imported in arid countries of Southern Africa (Namibia, Botswana). But a recent keen interest can be observed in Western countries (USE, Europe), mainly for touristic attraction, but more and more for milk production.

Globally, it is expected that climatic changes are giving a chance for camels to take more place in the future world.

Dr. Faye
Camel in European Countries World Camel Day 22 June

The History of Camel Introduction in Europe

A series of camel stories from different regions of the world

The camel, most closely associated with desert climates, actually has unique connections to Europe. The Romans made the first introductions of Arabian (one hump) camels, likely for menageries, but archaeological evidence also supports their use as working animals in Belgium during the Roman period.

Some very old references are available about the camels in early medieval Europe. The Visigoths and other tribes may have brought them into Western Europe. In France, the Merovingian King Clotaire paraded his Queen Brunehaut on a camel before having her executed. The Arabs and Berbers in the early eighth century brought camels with them, but camel herding never really flourished in those regions. The Hohenstaufen king Redrick made use of camels in Sicily and southern Italy.

There were several attempts to introduce camels into Europe in the early modern period. Around 1623 a small herd of camels owned by King James used to graze daily in St James’s Park. Philip of Spain maintained a small zoo in the gardens of his palace at Aranjuez with 4 camels, which he had brought over in the 1570s from Africa. They proved useful in building work, so more were bred until there were about 40. Ferdinand de Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany, introduced imported camels in 1622 to be used a pack animals. The last of the herd lingered in the environs of Pisa until the second World War when soldiers killed the remnant for meat.

In 19th century Spain there were feral camels in the swamps of the Guadalquivir Delta. Allegedly they had been left there by the British army in the Peninsular War. Alternatively and less romantically, they had originally been imported into the province of Cadiz in 1829to work on road-building and other projects. There were other short-lived attempts to introduce camels in Spain, Poland, and elsewhere.


Camel (book) by Robert Irwin

Camel Farm & Milk Production Central Asia World Camel Day 22 June

Heart Touching Camel Milk Story from Fergana Valley of Uzbekistan

A series of camel stories from different regions of the world

Uzbekistan Central Asia

The milk story is derived from a case study of a camel farm in Fergana. Asrorzhon Khikmatov, a camel herder, has been engaged in herding camels for several years in the steppes of central Fergana in the Rishtan district of the Fergana region.

“I fell in love with camels because my father recovered from their milk”


“Several years ago, my father fell ill, he was bedridden for a long time. On the advice of people, I started giving him camel milk and he recovered. Then I fell in love with camels. The father still drinks this milk. Abu Ali ibn Sina in his book “The Canons of Medicine” dwelled on the healing properties of camel milk, which contains three times more vitamins than cow’s milk. Avicenna’s words turned out to be true. I was convinced that camel’s milk cured many diseases by the example of my father, ”explains Asrorjon Hikmatov, president of the Roshidon nasldor tuyalari farm.

Camel Milk is Considered a Natural Pharmacy

“People come to us for healing milk from the regions, from Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, sometimes from Russia. They bring in patients with diabetes mellitus and liver disease. Basically, camel milk cleanses the blood. We plan to conclude an agreement with Turkmenistan and increase the number of camels to 100 in the future. A liter of camel milk now costs 35,000 Soums. Basically, it is bought for medicinal purposes. We give free milk to seriously ill patients in need, ”explains the president of the farm.

The Milk Production Potential

“In fact, a camel can give up to 10 liters of milk a day. But our camels give 2 liters each. Because we don’t give them extra food. Camels feed on camel thorns in the pasture. If they are fed more, they will have more milk, but its healing properties will be lost. Unlike other animals, camels are very intelligent. But they need food, like five cows. Basically, they’re insatiable, ”smiles Asrorjon Hikmatov.

The Camels are Milked 3 Times a Day

We have learned that camels are milked 3 times a day: at sunrise, at noon, and in the evening. We really wanted to watch the morning milking process, so we left for Rishtan, as soon as dawn broke.

Hikmatov Also Makes Money from the Wool

Camels provide not only milk, he said, but also wool, which is much appreciated: “1 kg of camel’s wool costs $ 50. They make pillows, blankets, clothes out of them. In the future, we intend to start exporting wool. “

The Detailed Story

The detailed story was shared on the CAMEL-IDEE website. Here is the link to the complete story.

Hikmatov Loves the White Camel

I love the white camel too. So I and the Hikmatov have the same interest. Hikmatov said “I also have a white camel. These camels are very expensive. It’s very valuable to me, so I didn’t sell it even for 50 thousand dollars. I can gift a small white camel calf to him.
Kohi camel of Suleiman mountainous region

Please if anyone has a story about the camel, share it with me. I shall publish it on my site and will tag it with World Camel Day.
World Camel Day

Another Interesting Story of Camel Milk from Uzbekistan

Here is another link about an interesting camel milk story of a Kazakh cameleer from Uzbekistan.

World Camel Day 22 June

A Brief of Celebrations on World Camel Day 22 June 2020

Since the foundation of world camel day (WDC) by the author in 2008, each year this day is being celebrated in different corners of the world.

The importance and interest in WCD are ever-increasing each year and many new stakeholders are coming into the ring to celebrate. It is a pleasure that the interest of the people is increasing in camels and camels related aspects. The main reason for attraction for the camel is the milk which is considered a unique and magical food and each year the number of camel milk consumers is increasing.

I’m going to share some important reports regarding the WCD celebration in 2020 to briefly highlight the importance of this day among the camel stakeholders. Such celebrations were made in different parts of the world and there were many online conferences which I attended and deliver key note speaches. This year, many meetings are in the WCD programs and I’m invited to talk over there about the importance of camel and the launch of the WCD.


Anna Aiko,

Since 2014, she has been traveling along the Silk Road, the same one taken by ancestors of the past. All these explorers adventured in the discovery of this amazing world, traveling by camel, crossing these vast spaces, exchanging their knowledge, creating links, and writing our history.

She has crossed on camelback 1350 km: the Empty Quarter of Saudi Arabia with Rakayib and UAE with Hamdan Bin Mohammed Heritage Center, and was runner-up at the HHC Camel Trek Marathon 2020.  

She participated in the King Abdulaziz Camel Festival on the invitation of the Camel Club. She wrote this interesting report about the festival and especially emphasized the WCD.

She writes “The International Day for Camels is celebrated on 22nd of June every year. The following details elaborate on the way this day is celebrated by several major governmental departments in Saudi Arabia. Camels are one of the most miraculous creatures on earth. God asked us to think about their creation before thinking about the creation of the sky, the mountains, and the earth. These animals deserve all the interests, studies, and support because the information acquired will benefit future generations for their progress and research.”

Dr. Muhammad Younas, Head of the Camel Association of Pakistan

Dr. Younas Delivered a Presentation about the Camel Association of Pakistan and its role in the WCD and Camel Related Aspects. Here is the link to a very important and informative ppt regarding the camels and their related topics.

Margaret Weiss Photostory about the WCD

She has given special emphasis on the camel’s welfare and wellbeing. She is very sensitive with a kind soul. She wanted to highlight the issues related to the camels’ wellbeing and comfort. She writes “They are frequently subject to miserable lives in small enclosures and beaten into submission with sticks and forced to walk in blistering heat without water or food. Many tour operators insert pegs through camels’ noses to enable them to be trained and controlled more easily.”

Pair of dromedaries in Wadi Rum

She has posted very beautiful pictures from the field. Here is the link to her photostory regarding the camels and world camel day.

Camel Connection; World Camel Day

According to the information available on the website of Camel Connections, they claim that;
  • Camel Connection unites camel owners, want-to-be owners, carers & lovers and helps them become Camel Confident & Camel Connected in all aspects of camels.
  • We teach people how to communicate with and care for camels through our online camel training course & our Cameleer Academy where Camel Connection is at the core of everything we teach.
  • We’ve had people from all walks of life learn about camels with us: from Medical Doctors & Business Executives to Zoo Keepers & Hobby Farmers (and everything in between
  • Whatever your camel goal/idea/dream is we can help you, just like we’ve helped others! 
  • Everything we teach about camels comes from a place of connection, compassion & a deep understanding of camel psychology (and biology thanks to our dedicated Camel Connection, Camel Vet)!

The topic of the WCD; 3 Camel Myths – Busted!

They have told the world about the 3 myths related to the camels. IT’S WORLD CAMEL DAY – yes an actual day dedicated to camels, how cool is that? It’s a really cool thing for us here at Camel Connection HQ – a whole day dedicated to the CAMEL, although if truth be told…. It’s not much different from every other day (who’s complaining)!

22nd of June is World Camel Day. The day was designed to give recognition to the fact that camels are very important creatures to many people around the world. Most people rely on camels for their own survival (like us! they have stolen our hearts and taken over our lives – surely that counts)!

You can read the details about the topic in the link below.

World camel day: As tourists stay away from Odisha beaches, owners abandon camels

This sad story was reported under the banner of WCD that the camel/s are left abandoned in India. Indican camel keepers are under serious threat as the camel is losing its economic value because of many reasons.

“Desperate efforts are on in Rajasthan to arrest the sharp decline in the population of its state animal, the camel. Last month, a cabinet sub-committee made recommendations to end what Arushi Malik, special secretary, animal husbandry, called a “sort of inspector and permit raj” brought on by the Rajasthan Camel (Prohibition of Slaughter and Regulation of Temporary Migration or Export) Act, 2015, which had linked the trade, transport, and deaths of camels to their slaughter and criminal prosecution. In a knee-jerk reaction, the then BJP government had given “holy cow status” to the camel, blaming its slaughter for meat as the sole reason for the decline in population over the years.”

The link to the story is provided in the following link.

A Beautiful Banner of WCD by Alamin Prodhania

Last but not the least, I hereby share the banner prepared by Alamin Prodhania, a young but energetic designer. I thank him for this contribution and we will use this banner on many occasions.

Here are Further Links from Different Corners about the WCD