General about camel

The Water Economy and the Camel

Camel is the Livestock of Choice in Water Footprint

To elaborate it easy to read and understandable, I shall be providing the salient features of the camels with regards to the water economy in the following lines.

  1. Camel can reach scarce water points in the desert or remote areas, as the camel has a well-developed power to smell especially water sources. They can smell water 50 miles away by smelling geosmin which is a fragrance produced by streptomyces species growing in the dumped soil.
  2. Camel tolerates a very high level of dehydration. Even in very hot conditions with no access to water, the camel may drink only every 8-10 days and may lose up to 30% of its live body weight through dehydration. Other animals die at 10% live body loss through dehydration.
  3. They can live without water for 3 days in summer and 7 days in winter. However, there are some examples of this animal remaining without water for 20 to 40 days. After 40 days the camel goes blind due to excessive dehydration.
  4. The camel can drink up to 190 liters of water in 10-15 minutes which is a very uncommon phenomenon. Oval shape erythrocytes (instead of round in other animals) expand up to 200% their normal size when the camel drink a huge quantity of water.
  5. Camel urinates less than 1 liter of urine per day in hot summer days, especially in water scarcity. In the period of extreme water shortage, the camel urinates a semi-liquid substance like syrup. You may notice the blackish thick layer on the thighs of the camels in summer.
  6. Camel can store water in its all body compartments (intracellular, extracellular, blood and digestive tract, etc). Every organ has the extraordinary capacity to store water.
  7. A camel can vary body temperature up to 6.7 Cº, having a great endurance power to stand the scorching heat. Camel even absorbs heat in the day time by increasing body temperature and dissipates it in the cool night, this way the camel conserves water.
  8. The well-developed hump is full of fat that serves as a store of water and food at the time of starvation. The fat of hump gets dissolved gradually during starvation and collects again at the time the camel gets adequate water and feed. When the fats are converting into energy and double the amount of water it produces.
  9. Camel consumes a very lesser quantity of water per unit milk production. The camel requires 4-6 liters of water/liter milk production and for the same requirements in the same environment, the dairy cow needs 8-12 times more water.

Camel is the king of the dryness and desert

Australian Feral Camel Autism and camel milk Cam-Immune Camel4life Camelait Camel Breeds camel dairy camel genetic resources Camel Hump camelmilk camel milk Camel milk and African nomad camel milk cheese camel milk ice cream Camel milk is a natural pharmacy camel milk products camel milk yogurt Camel Photography Camel sustainable Camel Wool climate change COVID19 Diabetes Dr Abdul Raziq Kakar Founder of the World Camel Day Healing with camel milk health promising hepatitis Insulin lactoferrin Lactose intolerance Lectoferrin modern camel farming natural health Natural Health and Camel Milk Nature Photography pastoral people Quran and Camel Solution to climate change The Camel Milk (CaM) Traditional Knowledge world camel day World Camel Day 22 June worldmilkday world milk day

General about camel

International Year of Camelids, 2024

Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 20 December 2017

The General Assembly, noting that camelids are strictly herbivorous, even-toed ungulate mammals that first appeared in America 45 million years ago, Noting also that there are six living species of camelids, namely, dromedary camels, Bactrian camels, llamas, alpacas, vicuñas and guanacos, in North Africa, South-West and Central Asia, Oceania and South America,

Noting further that camelids constitute the main means of subsistence for
millions of poor families that live in the most hostile ecosystems on the planet, and that they contribute to the fight against hunger, the eradication of extreme poverty, the empowerment of women and the sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems,

Recognizing that comprehensive management of the products derived from camelids would promote the inclusion of the most vulnerable populations of rural societies, leading to the creation of sustainable jobs and promoting equality, and

Further recognizing that these species are an important element of the cultural and spiritual identity of ancestral indigenous peoples, constituting an important social basis of the traditional and contemporary knowledge of these peoples who have maintained, preserved and protected genetic biodiversity,

Noting that camelids are the main source of protein, fiber for clothes and fertilizer for agricultural production and that they serve as pack animals, transporting people and products in indigenous communities throughout South America’s extensive Andean highlands, as well as in deserts in Africa and Asia,

Noting also that camelids can play a key role in addressing the effects of climate change, in particular in arid and semi-arid lands, and that recognition, advocacy, and support for the promotion of the products and services that they provide is of paramount importance for the livelihoods of the communities that depend on them,

Recalling the urgent need to raise public awareness of the importance of
camelids for food security and ecosystem functions, and to promote actions that improve the management of camelids in order to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals,

Australian Feral Camel Autism and camel milk Cam-Immune Camel4life Camelait Camel Breeds camel dairy camel genetic resources Camel Hump camelmilk camel milk Camel milk and African nomad camel milk cheese camel milk ice cream Camel milk is a natural pharmacy camel milk products camel milk yogurt Camel Photography Camel sustainable Camel Wool climate change COVID19 Diabetes Dr Abdul Raziq Kakar Founder of the World Camel Day Healing with camel milk health promising hepatitis Insulin lactoferrin Lactose intolerance Lectoferrin modern camel farming natural health Natural Health and Camel Milk Nature Photography pastoral people Quran and Camel Solution to climate change The Camel Milk (CaM) Traditional Knowledge world camel day World Camel Day 22 June worldmilkday world milk day

Camel and Nature Connection Camel and water Camel in Middle East and Africa General about camel

Water Footprint of the Incredible Camel

Why African Pastoralists are replacing cows with the camels?

Northern Kenya is the paradise of camels as well as other livestock species. The landscape of the region is home to the traditional livestock keepers, we call them pastoralists or nomads. The concurrent droughts and climate change calamities forced the traditional livestock keepers to replace the cattle pastoralism with the camel one because of its hardiness and water economy. Map of the region

A comparison of Indigenous cow vs camel in water economy

I hereby share the results of a study in the region, which will help you in understanding the water economy of the camel and other livestock. The camel almost drinks 1/3rd of the volume of water consumed by the local nomadic cow in the same environment and production system (dry season). The water economy is important and relevant in the dry season.

Camel is the animal of challenges

Dr. Raziq

a. Dry Season

To be even more exact in N Kenya pastoral systems the water intake in ml/kg (live body weight) per day in dry seasons is 25.4 ml/kg/day for camels; 70.75 ml/kg/day for cattle and 76 ml/kg/day for goats. It means a camel with a live body weight of 500, consumes a volume of 12.7 litre of water per day.

b. Wet Season

In wet seasons it is 3.37 ml/kg/day for camels and 24.69 for goats. The cattle were not recorded in wet. Figures for reference are taken from Field, 1983. Bear in mind that camels only lactate once in 2 years and cattle every year and goats 1.5× per year but even then camels use less water.

The camels are not only hardy to dry and harsh climatic conditions also the most effecient animal in water economy.


Challenges of camel production in Samburu District, Kenya Challenges of camel production in Samburu District, Kenya

Camel Milk and Natural Health Camel Milk for Health COVID-19 and camel milk General about camel

The Camel Community Urge UAE to Lead a Sophisticated Research on Camel Milk amid COVID-19

Since unknown times, camel milk has been considered as protection and medicine for different complex health issues. In the recent past, some scientific studies have proved the camel milk as a source of super healthy molecules, with strong healing power. There are strong believes and proofs that camel milk enhances the overall strength of the body to cope with the infections and stressful conditions.

The ongoing health crisis all over the world has realized the importance of natural ingredients to support our healths and combat viral attacks and other infections. The whole world is desperately looking for healthier and safe options to protect human health in challenging health crisis.

Hightime to Investigate the Camel Milk

It is the best time to investigate the potential medicine in camel milk to give ease and hope to the people in distress and pains. Camel milk comes from a very sustainable and environmentally friendly production system. If camel milk is proved as an immune booster and protective agent against the infections and viral attacks, then it will be a two-prong success for humanity, natural medicine, and supporting sustainable farming systems.

Trial Studies can Uncover the Truth

It is the best time to design trial studies with the camel milk on COVID-19 patients. The microbiologist, health professionals, camel experts can jointly launch very sophisticated trial studies of camel milk and can find the results with huge data on the overall health status and immunity on COVID-19 patients.

UAE can Lead the Research

UAE has visionary leadership, sophisticated institutions & labs, money, camels, and camel milk, the only country in the world blessed with all treasures at the same time. We, therefore suggest starting sophisticated scientific research & harvest the potential antibodies found in camel milk. Researchers in Belgium announces potential breakthroughs using the camelids’ antibodies (Llama) in COVID2019. The large camel dromedary is the closest relative of the Llamas. No better place for such research, UAE has always presented innovative scientific ideas, scientific solution to COVID-2019 through camel antibodies will be an incredible experience to the world.

Why Investigate Camel’s Immunity?

As MERS (another type of coronavirus) in camel and camels survive with it for hundreds of years, then their antibodies are working, we are quite sure. This “may” mean people drinking camel milk might have a stronger immune, due to their body antibodies developed over time, in combination with “stuff” from camel milk.

Food for Thought

My suggestion or desire is based on the magical realities related to the incredible camel. I hereby suggest through this post to please investigate the camel milk as a potential immunity booster in complicated infections like COVID-19. Not only the milk but the plasma’s antibodies of the Arabian camel can give hope to the people in pain amid this health emergency crisis.

Camel and Nature Connection General about camel

The Camel Photostory. Fiber Digestion

Camel has an uncounted number of characteristics, making it a very unique creature. Hardiness is one of the most important special traits of the camel. Camel can thrive on anything when good quality feed is not available, even can consume the bark of the bushes even the woody part.

Camel consumes everything in hardy conditions but chooses the fresh leafy part of the plants in good conditions

Dr. Raziq
The camels are consuming the dried out woody part of a Halloxylon plant in the Sharjah emirate of the UAE.

The picture below was shot in Sharjah emirate by a powerful SLR camera by my son Haris Beryalie. We can see the camel eating the dried out bush, only the dry wood is remaining. Camel pseudo-rumen is highly enriched with extremely diverse micro-organisms the same as the termites have in their stomach. Such specialized microorganisms digest the woody parts of the plants and produce volatile fatty acids for the energy.

Look how the termites have consumed the dry wood branch of the Calitropis bush? Some termites can be seen.
Camel has a wide choice of plants selection. Very few are poisonous for camel and the wise camel always hesitate to eat.

Camel in Middle East and Africa General about camel

Why a World Camel Day on 22 June?

Camel is one of the most important livestock for food security under climatic calamities. It is a sustainable livestock with lowest ecological footprints and produce one of the unique food, the camel milk. Camel milk is considered as the natural pharmacy.

Unfortunately, the camel is very little praised and appreciated for its role as a food security livestock. Camel is always neglected at all levels by the policymakers and very little attention is given in the R&D projects on a country, region, and global levels. The good thing is that the camel is again turning to its original task, the camel milk. New camel dairies are emerging both in the ancient habitats and new habitats of the camel. This return is mainly materialized by the author’s and his colleagues’ efforts, bringing camel at all levels and making the research findings understandable and practicable.

Camel ensure livelihood of its keepers in difficult environments

Dr. Younas

One of the most important milestones in such achievements is the world camel day 22 June.

Dr. Raziq

Why we chose the date of 22nd June?

In its original habitat, 21 June is the longest and hottest day of the year, in the northern hemisphere of the globe. Camel sustains its abilities of production in such harsh and hostile environments and adapts to the soaring heat and long thirsty day. We should have chosen the 21st of June as world camel day but it is specified for the world father day. So, we decided to skip 21 and selected 22nd June as the world camel day. The difference in day length is only 2 seconds between the 21st and 22nd June. For further reading about the history of the world camel day, please go to the link below.

The pride of the desert
Camel Milk and Natural Health General about camel


Strong Power of Adaptation

Camel is very different from other livestock, owing very special physiological and anatomical features making it one of the most resilient creatures of the challenging climatic conditions. Camels adapt and resolve with some multidimensional features to cope with the situations where the temperatures are red hot, water and feed sources are scarce, and the conditions of life are harsh.

Insurance of Life Sustenance in Challenging Conditions

The very important feature of the camel is its potential of producing milk (for calf) to sustain its life cycle and reproduce offspring for the continuation of the camel race. The long, harsh, and challenging days of the desert do not dent the camel milk yield but slightly increase with more watery milk to fulfill the water requirements of the calves in the arid and hot conditions.

Camel is Admired from Religion to Tradition and Believes to Science

The features of the camels are well praised in the holy books, travelers’ stories, documentaries of national geographic, research articles, and the folk songs and stories of the nomads. According to a study, the camel needs 1.9 kg dry roughages to produce 1 kg of milk in the arid condition, and in the same conditions, a native cow needs 9.1 kg dry matter for the same quantity of milk.

Camel Needs Lesser Inputs to Produce

Based on my personal experience, the dairy camel needs far less water than the dairy cows in the same conditions. The drinking water requirements of dairy cows are 8-10 times more per liter milk products in extremely hot weather (>45C). The dairy cows not only require water for food but for cooling and the cooling system needs a lot of power to regulate it’s cooling and exhaust fans. Also, the camel requires a lesser quantity of crude protein in the feed as it is unique in urea recycling. A diet of 16% CP is more than enough for a camel to fulfill its basics and production requirements.

Longer and Productive Farm Life

The camel has tremendous potential as farm livestock because of its longer product life cycle (up to 10-12 parties). The high yielding dairy cow only manages 4 lactations on the farm because of high yielding, overloaded health inputs, the extra burden of feed ingredients (higher CP), and stressful conditions because of multiple factors. In the same conditions, camels take lesser water, feed (lesser CP), and absorb the higher temperatures in their hump and live a very stress-free lifestyle.

The stress-free lifestyle of camel fabricates unique milk, full of nutrients and positivity which ultimately supports our health and happiness.

Dr. Raziq

Shorter Register of Diseases

Also, the camel has a very specific and limited number of diseases, except few like Mange (skin disease) and trypanosomiases (blood parasites), other diseases do not need much human intervention. The hard and strong udder ensures it potential to be less prone to mastitis and other glandular diseases if properly milked in hygienic conditions. Such a phenomenon makes the camel the best dairy choice as it needs lesser health and comforts inputs and milk production in stress-free conditions.

The Camels love Tree Vegetation
The Camels are Happy Browsers
The Camel Sustains in Conditions where others can hardly survive

Even if kept in the same ecological zone with comfortable environmental conditions (preferred for cows), the camel is more efficient in water and feeds turnover into milk. In ideal conditions camels need 4 liters of water for one kg milk (with an average production yield of 10 kg/per day), while in the same condition dairy cows need 4 times more water for one kg milk yield.


Camel is fantastic livestock, designed with special DNAs to support human life in driest parts of the world. The policymakers at all levels should realize the importance of this unique creature and should give a chance to the incredible camel to perform as a food security animal in the climate change context. The WORLD CAMEL DAY is therefore celebrated each year on 22nd June to aware the people about the incredible role the camel is playing and the hopes we foresight from the camel in the challenging future. First WORLD CAMEL DAY was celebrated on the 22nd of June, 2008.

World Camel Day and Camel4Life International

The camel is rarely admired for its incredible roles and it is still hiding from the eyes of the policymakers. Me with the like-minded people, launched WORLD CAMEL DAY to advocate camels and aware the masses about the importance of the camel.

Camel4Life international is an advocacy forum, promoting camel at all available platforms to give a proper place in the research, policy, and development.

General about camel

World Milk Day 2020 – Raise a glass to the more natural milk – camel milk!

GLOBAL COALITION FOR CAMEL MILK (Ad hoc) World Milk Day – Monday 1 June 2020 World Milk Day 2020 – Raise a glass to the more natural milk – camel milk!

This World Milk Day, for the first time, a global coalition of camel milk consumers, experts, and dairy producers from 35 countries will raise a virtual glass for camel milk. This is the first-time camel milk is on the global World Milk Day agenda since the day began 20 years ago. Sales in camel milk are growing, as interests, in this more natural, climate-friendly, and healthy dairy option – both as stand-alone milk and as an active ingredient in camel milk products.

 “Give the camel a chance as the camel is the solution of the complex problems in the emerging climate change calamities’ said Dr. Abdul Raziq, advocating camel4life.

The global camel milk products market size was valued at USD 10.2 billion in 2019.[1] Camel milk is highly sought after for its anti-inflammatory, strong protective proteins, anti-microbial and nutritious value and works well for lactose intolerance

“The global camel market is projected to grow at more than 10% for the next decade, so more camel milk in the future!” said Dr. Bernard Faye, veterinarian, and chair of ISOCARD, the International Society of Camelid Research and Development.

The unique health benefits of camel milk:

Camel milk works across a range of physical and behavioral issues, making it a highly effective alternative.  “Parents of children with autism remain a key and growing market, as studies show the milk is safe and effective and can lead to behavioral and medical improvements,” stated Christina Adams, author of several publications on camel milk and editorial board member of the Journal of Camel Science.

“The fatty acids in camel milk are also better for human hearts as they contain more mono-unsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids than cow milk. Low in allergenic proteins, camel milk is also the best alternative to human milk and for children with severe food allergies or eczema,” said Dr Tahereh Mohammadabadi, Associate Professor, Khuzestan Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University, Iran.

A growing market for camel milk

The Middle East and Africa dominate with more than 60% of the global camel livestock revenue. Somalia, Ethiopia, Sudan, and Kenya consume the most per capita in the region. Saudi Arabia is the largest market in the world at around 33 litres per year, per capita. North America is expected to grow the fastest as consumers with diabetes switch to camel milk to better control sugar levels.

The cow dairy industry is known to be a well-organized and powerful lobby force. Until now the camel milk private sector has been mostly established in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Saudi Arabia and Mauritania. But with climate change and growing consumer concerns about ethics and farming, camel herders and camel milk producers are expanding worldwide.

For the past 50 years, camels are the second-fastest growing herbivorous livestock in the world, after buffalo, and has grown annually significantly by 4.5 % in the past decade in Africa (FAO)2. The Middle East and the Horn of Africa camels lead the charge, as the second-fastest growing herbivore livestock in the world after buffalo (FAO).

Regions in Africa are switching to camels even where they never were before, e.g. Uganda and Tanzania « There is so much tradition and long-term use across the world, but we need more scientific research on camel in general  and especially on camel milk” Says Mohammed Bengoumi, Tunisia based FAO camel expert. 

Facing climate change on the equator in Kenya and Australia, more commercial dairy farmers are diversifying or switching to camels as they do better in tough, drought-ridden, hot climates and browse on prickly bushes and shrubs that most farm animals avoid.

“The camel milk industry is undervalued but could rival other foreign exchange earners in Kenya. Drought and the fact that 89% of Kenya is classified as arid and semi-arid land means many are shifting from cows to camels, even in southern Kenya,” said Dr James Chomba Njanja, Vice Chair of the Kenya Camel Association.

Every year an estimated 3 million tons of camel milk is officially sold and consumed around the world. But the true production level could be double that, at around 5-6 million tons per year. A fact of note is that 70% of camel milk is consumed by the camel owners and never reaches the market.

The camel saved humans for generations in the desert.  In arid areas and hot weather over 45C, we see cows suffer as they need 8-10 times more water than camels to produce 1 liter of milk,” said Dr. Abdul Raziq Kakar, a UAE based camel dairy specialist from Pakistan and Camels4All blogger.

Camel herding nomads who have traditionally bred camels for centuries are also benefiting from the interest in camel milk. “Supporting decentralized camel farming through innovative models is a great opportunity to reduce poverty and to better food security in some of the poorest parts of the world,” concluded Dr. Ilse Köhler-Rollefson, project coordinator of the League for Pastoral Peoples. 

For all these climate friendly, natural, and immune-boosting reasons, please raise a virtual or real glass of camel milk to celebrate this World Milk Day!

#worldmilkday #enjoydairy #camelmilk

Dr. Abdul Raziq Kakar, camel dairying specialist, advocating camel4life.

Website: Blog: Camel milk blog: E. Mail: Twitter: @DrRaziqKakar

For information, photos, and interviews with camel milk experts worldwide: Samantha Bolton +41 79 239 23 66 – – Twitter: @camel_wild  and  @sambolton007


[2]The global milk market grew at a steady pace of 3.89% per year between 2011 and 2018 (FAO)


Camel Milk and Natural Health Camel Milk for Health General about camel

Ours Own Immune System is the First Line of Defense AgainsT the COVID-19

More than anything, our own defense system (immune) against infections is more important. We can revitalize and energize our immune or defense system by some good steps if taken properly. Such steps are;

  1. Taking special food which could be rich in certain nutrients, boosting our defense system
  2. Proper physical exercise
  3. Good sleep with the quality and duration
  4. Turning off the stress machine of the body

The camel milk is the only and unique food that can help you in all the above 4 important steps
Camel milk is rich in special molecules like lactoferrin, Lysozyme, Vitamin C, lactoperoxidase, and immunoglobulin which boost our immunity. Camel milk is fortified with a special quantity and composition of minerals that provide a fine balance of acid-base in the body, revitalizing our body and minimizing stress-producing hormones. Camel milk provides calmness because of its very positive impact on our hormonal system which triggers our sleep, resulting in very good and deep sleep.
The nutrients richness of the camel milk helps in revitalizing our bodies, giving us special power for a longer and better exercise. Camel milk is free of allergen proteins and intolerant lactose, good, and suitable for all family members.
With a unique composition, camel milk helps in stress control
So, please give a chance to the camel milk, bring it into your food chain, and enjoy a quality life.

Camel in European Countries

Doctorate on functional Revalorization of Canarian Camel

A camel researcher and colleague from Spain is looking for technical support regarding the revalorization of the Canarian camel breed. Below are his letter and email contact.

My name is Carlos Iglesias Pastrana. I am actually developing my Ph.D. thesis in the Department of Genetics, Faculty of Veterinary Sciences, Córdoba (Spain). It is focused on the functional revalorization of Canarian camel (Camelus dromedarius), an autochthonous endangered camel breed and the only genetic resource of such nature in Spain and Europe. This research project is framed in the financing framework of the international project CA.RA.VA.N – “Toward a Camel Transnational Value Chain”.

Within its main objectives, the ethofunctional characterization of this camel breed includes the enhancement of a composite ethogram for camel behavior (facial and body), which will be further complemented with ridden camels to test these facial and body expressions during camel gaits performing (since the last third of the XX century, Canarian camels have been relegated for touristic/leisure activities). In this way, an ethogram for whole-camel behavior would be standardized for early diagnosis of camel suffering and, consequently, handling practices correction/improvement and therapeutical follow-up.

For this purpose, I am looking for an alternative way of detecting pain in camels by facial expressions, using still pictures. It is expected to define objective criteria for detecting/evaluating camel suffering by collecting such information/interpretations from camel experts/breeders/researchers on online surveys.

If you are familiarized with camels and their behavior and you want to participate in these preliminary projects, please let me know by answering this e-mail (“I would like to participate”) and I will send you the whole pictorial material and surveys.

I will be so pleased if you could send this e-mail to people working with camels and familiarize themselves with their behavior; but also to those who are not familiar with camel behavior but with other animal species’. This is so important as we will be able to analyze if people not familiar with camels but specialized in animal behavior could be easily trained for evaluating pain in camels.

Many thanks for your participation!

King regards,

Carlos Iglesias Pastrana

Ph.D. candidate

Department of Genetics, Faculty of Veterinary Sciences, University of Córdoba, Córdoba, Spain

Adults General Health Camel Farm & Milk Production Camel in America Camel in Australia Camel in China and Mongolia Camel in European Countries Camel in India and Pakistan Camel in Middle East and Africa Camel Milk and Natural Health Camel milk for Diabetes Camel Milk for Health Cancer and others COVID-19 and camel milk General about camel Milk quality

Camel Milk is Safe and Health Conducive in Health Emergency COVID-19

Camel milk is not only safe but gives you vitality and natural support in coping with the health emergency, the COVID-19. For the last few days, I have been noticing some rumors circulating on social media narrating to avoid camel milk in COVID-19 emergency. As an official statement from the camel milk community, I hereby reject such false assumption and ask you to please take camel milk as a safe and healthy food as usual. Also, those who are not on camel milk or have no experience with the camel milk should come to this rich food.

Here are some key reasons why you should take camel milk not only as a food but as a very rich and naturally fortified bar. The camel milk (CaM) strengthens and revitalizes your body because of the following reasons.

a. Making you stronger and naturally Immunized: CaM is rich with super molecules like lysosomes, lactoferrin, Vit. C etc, helping in strengthening the body defence system.

b. Biochemical Balance: Due to its unique composition and super balance of minerals, vitamins, fatty acids, and amino acids the camel milk provides a very healthy biochemical balance to the body. Such a good biochemical balance provide a medium for effecient physiological performance inside the body. 

d. Hormonal Calmness: The camel milk enhances the performance of the endocrine system in the body because of its nutrients, and its balance, which lead to a superbalance of the hormones. Such balance minimizes the shocks of the stress and strokes.  

f. Antiinflamatory effect: Because of its special micronutrients (nanobodies), camel milk enhances the performance at cell and tissue level which helps in effecient metabolism. 

g. Boost natural secretion: The camel milk boost the production of natural secretions and enzyems inside the body. Such secretions act as laxative, washing/flushing body, lowering load of oxidents  and poisonous residues which ultimately help in keeping the body performance very good and effecient. 

e. Helping hand in good sleep: The above mentioned performance of camel milk in the body boost and revitalize the body and help in a very good and deep sleep. 

For further study and details, please go to the link http://e. Helping hand in good sleep: W

cAmEl MiLk is a Natural Moisturizer

Camel milk forth is an appealing moisturizer. Look how an expert explains in this video about the importance and application of the camel milk forth or foam? Camel milk is very rich with supermolecules, capable of healing and revitalizing our skins. It can protect one from the sunburn and dry and chilling winds’ effects.

Camel in European Countries General about camel

French International Camel and Camelid Show 2020

The French Camel Federation is organizing the second edition of the International Camel and Camelid Show on 19 and 20 September 2020 at the historic and prestigious Château de Grosbois in Boissy-Saint-Léger in the Greater Paris area.

The poster of the camel show in France

100% Camelids from France and Europe! With its 16,000 visitors in 2019, the Show has established itself as the reference in the sector. Federating institutional and professional, the Show brings together amateurs, professionals, sportsmen, and lovers of camelids.

Philipponneau Olivier
Président de la fédération des Chameaux (FFC)
Le Fay ,02140 Thenailles

Salon International Grand Paris 2020 |dromadaires et camélides à Grosbois

Adults General Health Camel in China and Mongolia Camel Milk and Natural Health Camel Milk for Health Cancer and others General about camel

Researching Camel Milk as an Antiviral Agent in the Context of COVID-19

A Novel Idea

The abstract of the whole talk is based on a novel idea to study the repercussions of camel milk on the treatment and control of COVID-19. I’m quite confident that this idea will work and will save precious human lives in a short period of time. Camel milk boosts immunity, flush body from toxins & oxidants, and kills the microorganisms in the body. There are many valid reasons behind such claims and suggestions, which you can read in the following paragraphs. 

CaM is a Natural Pharmacy

Camel is a strange and unique creature and the camel products are very exclusive, especially the white gold milk. Camel milk which I abbreviate as CaM has tremendous potential to naturally heal human bodies from different complex ailments and wash it from poisons. The power to heal complex ailments is coming from the specially designed molecules which work as natural medicine, hence CaM is known as a natural pharmacy.

The CaM had been using as a natural elixir since unknown times by the people in Asia and Africa. The camel keepers in the far and wide regions had been using camel milk for the treatment of different disease conditions. The Bedouins had been using camel milk to treat viral diseases like hepatitis hundred of years before.

Miraculous Molecules in Camel Milk

The findings of different studies available in scientific literature revealing the role of CaM as a healing agent. CaM is fortified with special ingredients like protective proteins (lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase, immunoglobulins), micro microminerals, vitamins, and lysozyme, making CaM a super antidote against infectious diseases. CaM’s medicinal properties covering a wide range of ailments as; autoimmune diseases, allergies, asthma, rashes, diabetes, liver disorders, rheumatism, inflammatory conditions, piles, urethral irritation, infectious diseases, stress/depression, peptic ulcers, and even cancer.

Ongoing Studies

The miraculous potential of CaM is not claimed only based on the traditional knowledge and the novel molecules in its composition but many invitro and invivo studies have proved the worth of the CaM as antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, anticancerous and supportive therapy in diabetes and other convoluted diseases.
As for as I know, there are many ongoing and planned studies on CaM to understand the pathways of its mode of action and the diseases which can be treated/facilitated with the camel milk. The author is part of some studies thematic areas to study the awesome properties of CaM in human health. Very new updates are the emerging themes claiming CaM enriches the gut microbiome and enhance its healing power and the overall resistance of the body to different ailments.


As we are convinced that nature is perfect and provides solutions to complex situations, so the natural product like camel milk should be given a chance to study if it works against the COVID-19 virus or not. Nature has never unearthed a snag unless an antidote has not engineered within the natural resources. I strongly believe in this philosophy.

Adults General Health Camel Milk and Natural Health Cancer and others General about camel

The Traditional Use of Camel Milk in Liver Diseases got Scientific Validations

A Natural Pharmacy

Camel milk is well known as a natural pharmacy and alternative medicine since unknown times. The traditional knowledge, the holy books, and the quotes of the distinguished personalities, all had had praised the healing power of the camel milk (CaM).

Modern Science Validates the Traditional Knowledge

The healing power of CaM recently proved and appreciated by the modern scientific findings. Many scientific studies have revealed that CaM is rich in vitamin C, protective proteins (lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase, immunoglobulins), micro microminerals and lysozyme, making it a super healing agent. Being rich with such noble nutrients, CaM is extraordinary in terms of antioxidative agents, antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, making it a natural pharmacy for the complicated ailments, especially hepatitis (liver ailments)

A specific study (Alla et al, 2011) conducted to understand the function of camel milk in liver physiology revealed that CaM can be used as an herbal remedy for the treatment of alcoholism and other liver diseases which affect the hepatic enzymes as well as the liver tissues.

CaM Neutralizes Viral Activity in the Liver

The viruses causing hepatitis are neutralized by CaM, blocking out their enzyme activity, and the antibodies are effective inhibitors of hepatitis enzymes system (Yagil, 2004). Other studies conducted by Middle Eastern Scientists on the role of camel milk, revealed that camel lactoferrin was demonstrated a remarked in-vitro ability to completely inhibit the Hepatitis C Virus (HCP) entry into PBMC, hepG2, and replication inside those cells system (Esmail,2008). It means that the CaM heals the liver diseases caused by hepatitis and other infections.

The camel keepers have strong belief that the CaM can heal the NASOOR (traditional term for malignant tumor) of the liver. The very active antibodies found in CaM bind onto the tumors, killing the tumor cells without damaging healthy tissue (Lvy and Yagil, 2013). It is also revealed that anti-tumor properties of camel milk are due to strong antimicrobial and anti-oxidative activities that help in reduction of liver inflammation and camel milk is rich with nutrients that are required for healthy liver function. Conversely, camel milk also shown to have potential thrombolytic action, as it causes inhibition of coagulation and fibrin formation which in turn hinders the spread and growth of metastatic tumour cells (Musa et al, 2013).

The challenging environmental conditions, food contaminations, and high stress levels resulting in a disturbed gut microbiome, leading to Metabolic syndrome (MetS). Metabolic syndrome (MetS) has several health consequences, liver enzymes elevation is one among them. According to the observed favorable effects of fermented camel milk on liver enzymes, its consumption may be considered as a functional food supplement in related circumstances (Zahra et al, 2018).

In a reviewed work, Jalil et al (2018) concluded that CaM is used to treat hepatitis C. The camel’s milk immunoglobulin has no light chain and is known as a nanobody. Nanobody, due to the ability to detect unusual and hidden antigens as well as the ability to convert to multi-treatment therapeutic proteins has been considered as a good tool in designing novel immunotherapy strategies for the treatment of cancer, inflammatory and infectious diseases. These immunoglobulins can be transmitted through the CaM.

CaM is a Silver lining in the Clouds

The CM is a silver lining in the clouds for those who face liver dis-functioning and other health ailments. The scientific findings (CMs’ potential healing power) is an additional satisfaction which helps in convincing people with urban and academic backgrounds, asking for scientific proves. It is now pretty sure that CaM can efficiently health the liver complications. I hereby suggest to those who have liver ailments and other complications to using camel milk for better health and a happy life.


  • Alla et al; 2011. Sudanese Journal of Public Health, Vol 6 (4) Esmail; 2008. Hepatitis Monthly; 8(2) 101-109
  • Yagil; 2004. Camel Milk and Autoimmune Disease. Historical Medicine
  • Zahra et al; 2018. Positive Effect of Fermented Camel Milk on Liver Enzymes of Adolescents with Metabolic Syndrome: a Double Blind, Randomized, Cross-over Trial.
  • Levy A, SteinerL, Yagil R (2013) Camel milk: disease control and dietary laws. Journal of Health Science 1: 48-53 
  • Musaad AM; Faye B, Al-Mutairi, Sallal E (2013) Seasonal and physiological variation of gross composition of camel milk in Saudi Arabia. Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture 618-624 .
  • Jalil et al; 2018. Natural Products for the Treatment of Hepatitis C.

Further Studies

  • Review
  • jid=jfmdp

General about camel

Camel is a Solution, Not a Problem

Camel and the Power of Adaptation

Camel is a precious animal genetic resource, highly adapted to the harsh and hostile ecosystems. Camels rely on woody and scanty vegetation and efficiently convert them into precious food (milk & meat) and other items (wool, manure, bones, etc.). The camel is composed of unique DNA, making it the most efficient biological machine both in the consumption of inputs and production of the outputs.

A Group of Brela Camels
Highly Adapted Brela Camel of Pakistan

Camel is an Efficient Biological Machine

The camel produces in harsh environments where other animals are difficult to survive. In the climate change scenario, the camel is the most suitable animal to be used as an agent of food security. Camel relies on the marginal lands which are unable to produce crops or support agrifarming. Water is the major limiting factor of drylands and camel is the most efficient animal in the water economy (lowest water footprint).

Camel Relies on the Woody Vegetation
Camel is the beauty of the desert

Camel is Neglected

Unfortunately, camel is always neglected while formulating policies for food security under climate change context. Recently, the Australian government decided to kill camels for water conservation. One can just realize how stupid this act is as the camel is the solution, not a problem. I hereby share the link of a film, you will weep to see the massacre of camel shoot.

The Camels love Tree Vegetation
The Camels are Happy Browsers

Camel is under threat in its natural habitats as well and one of the best examples is the camel sinking in the Rajasthan desert.

There are many reasons for this sad state of the situation, all are man-made. The bushfire in the Australian continent is not because of the camel but the soaring heat because of climate change.

Utilization is the Best Conservation

It is the utmost need of time to conserve camel with the perspectives of camel herders, climate scientists, and food security activists. But the top priority must go the camel keepers as they are one in all. Utilization is the best conservation. The Australian government should take the camel as an opportunity but not a threat. Camel milk (top priority) and meat can be good tools for its utilization and ultimately conservation.

Camel in Australia General about camel

Camel Journey ~ From its Original Habitat to Modern World

Camel’s role is incredible in its cradle of domestication and its original habitats. In the 19th Century, some camels were transported to the USA, Australia, and some other places for work and armies. After the automobile revolution, the role of the camel as a beast of burden was gradually diminished 1,2.

In Australia there are thousands of feral camels, now it’s estimated a million, roaming across Australian deserts but unfortunately considered as a pest. The government launches a project to kill camel (considering as a pest) and save the scarce water resources in region 3. Many friends from Australia and other parts of the world (including the author) raised voice to halt such killing which results in wastage of such a unique resource. The camel activists gave many good arguments/suggestions to save feral camel; a tool to adapt to the climate change and judiciously use of the scattered bushy vegetation of the region 4. Unfortunately, there are still many challenges, the main one is the weak faith and poor understanding of the present Australian government on the onset of climate change 5.

I appreciate the role of the colleagues and friends around the world who raised voice for the conservation of camel in Australia and converting camel from a useless animal to the best tool for adaptation to climate change and ensuring food security. Now my dream about camel ‘Turning from a beast of burden to a modern farm animal’ is turning true 6Camel is Turning from a Beast of Burden to a Modern Farm Animal

In this series of articles, I am starting to share links, photographs, and views of the people around the world, who floated the idea to the sustainable use of camel for the well being of humanity. Modern science also proved the role of the camel in all aspects especially, food security, sustainability, resilience, and adaptation to climate change and human health. All friends and colleagues are warmly welcome to freely review, comment, share in this series of knowledge sharing.

As a first innovation, I hereby share pictures sent by Hannah Purs from Australia. I hope she will respond to reviewers.

Photo credit Hunnah Purss
Hannah Training Camel from Dairy
Camel Feeding on Hay
Photo credit Hannah Purs
Feral camels are gathered by Helicopter. Photo credit Hannah Purss


Camel and Nature Connection Camel in Australia Camel Milk and Natural Health

Camel milk can make Fortune for South Australia

The camel milk is finding its way in the new world  (from sand dunes of Arabia to the western world) because of its hidden treasures of health promising ingredients.

Traditionally used for complex and diverse diseases in its habitat, camel milk is now praising in the Western world both by modern families and the Scientists. New small and medium enterprises in the USA (Oasis Camel Dairy) and EU (Holland) with the production of camel milk are emerging. The demand is very high and the owners (personal communication) received emails and phone calls from different places to ensure availability of this precious milk for their kids with Autism.

The idea of camel milk as a tool for great health, business, and livelihood is appealing. Now the people are hearing. I hope/wish the policymakers in the camel world will realize the reality. I hereby copy the link of another Autism work in the below lines.

A beautiful Naqa with her calf enjoying the happiness of the nature

New and innovative ideas are being initiated and many new people are willing to come in the camel world. Here, I link the readers with the camel development in South Australia by Hannah Purs.

SOUTH Australia can expect a new industry to emerge in the next few months with preparations underway for SA’s first commercial camel dairy. Port Broughton couple Evan Casey and Hannah Purss say they have spent years setting up their enterprise and are waiting for their herd of 20 female camels – known as cows – to give birth. Ms. Purss said the original drive behind the dairy idea was to remind people of the value of the species. “We’ve worked with camels for a number of years up in the NT, doing a lot of wild camel work,” she said. “There was a lot of money being spent by the government to cull camels. We were looking at ways they can be seen as more important.” They realized a dairy would be a good option and began research into the product.

The link is given below for further reading;

The beautiful white camels of Suleiman Mountainous Region of Balochistan Pakistan.
CaM Product and Cheese General about camel Natural Health and Camel Milk

Arrera- Traditional defatted buttermilk from Ethiopia

Arrera has a pleasant odor and taste and a similar color to ergo with a slightly smoother appearance and a thinner consistency. Its consistency is though thicker than that of fresh milk. It has also a much shorter shelf life compared to all other fermented milk products (only 24-48 h), even when smoke is applied to the equipment used for its storage.

This fermented milk product is consumed in all parts of the country as a beverage either plain or spiced. It is preferred by women for consumption as a side dish or as a drink. Being rich in several nutrients, it serves to enrich the diet. It is given to weaning aged children and elderly and is especially considered as food of children and women in rural areas. Surpluses are given to calves, lactating cows and dogs. It may indirectly serve as additional income for the women by its use as raw material for cottage cheese production, which may be sold in the market. Due to its relatively short shelf life and some traditional taboos or beliefs, Aarea is not sold in the market for direct consumption.

This information is shared by;

Junior Product Manager at Chr. Hansen A/S

This fermented milk product is consumed in all parts of the country as a beverage either plain or spiced. It is preferred by women for consumption as a side dish or as a drink. Being rich in several nutrients, it serves to enrich the diet. It is given to weaning aged children and elderly and is especially considered as food of children and women in rural areas. Surpluses are given to calves, lactating cows and dogs. It may indirectly serve as additional income for the women by its use as raw material for cottage cheese production, which may be sold in the market. Due to its relatively short shelf life and some traditional taboos or beliefs, Arrera is not sold in the market for direct consumption.