The camel milk is finding its way in the new world (from sand dunes of Arabia to the western world) because of its hidden treasures of health promising ingredients. Traditionally used for complex and diverse diseases in its habitat, camel milk is now praising in the Western world both by modern families and the Scientists. New small and medium enterprises in the USA (Oasis Camel Dairy) and EU (Holland) with the production of camel milk is emerging. The demand is very high and the owners (personal communication) received emails and phone calls from different places to ensure availability of this precious milk for their kids with Autism.
The major demand is for the management of conditions like Autism and Diabetes. Camel milk is a hope for autistic patients and their mothers are struggling to have camel milk. Social media, especially Facebook is widely used for searching camel milk and knowing the attributes of camel milk in human health. The link on Facebook is known as ‘Healing with the Camel Milk” is is a unique place for this precious discussion. The link is given below.
The famous story of Christina Adam is printed in print media and the link is available; provided in the ensuing lines. She has concluded her own experience of six years struggle to manage her son’s autism with the camel milk.
The demand for camel milk is ever increasing. The new markets for camel milk are rich and enthusiastic. Such a phenomenon can bring a breeze and smile to the camel pastoralists; if the national governments and international bodies helped them with the channelization of their eco-organic produced camel milk. Camel milk can be used as a tool for poverty reduction and rural development of the drought-stricken areas of the world. On the other hand, this demand is a unique opportunity for the business giant of the Middle East to promote modern camel dairying with the development of camel dairy traits and linking scientific institutes with this business for quality and sustainable production.