World Camel Day 22 June

The World Camel Day – 22 June

The author, therefore, proposed a day (22nd June) to think and aware the masses about this precious animal and advocate for the camel to get a proper place again. Our camel advocacy forum CAMEL4LIFE INTERNATIONAL is advocating camels at all available forums, especially for its’ incredible milk, which is considered a natural pharmacy.

The Challenging Climatic Conditions

As the globe is getting warmer and warmer, the only reliable and trustworthy source of food left are the plants & animals’ genetic resources that are highly adaptable to the climate challenges. Adaptation is the guarantee for a sustainable and uninterrupted food supply despite all challenges. Camel is unique among all the adapted animal genetic resources for food and agriculture. We can say that the camel is a unique gift of nature for desert dwellers. As the camel is highly tolerant, adapted, efficient, and sustainable, ensuring food security in the arid regions of the world.

Brela camel of Pat (Sibi plainlands) of Balochistan Pakistan.

Climate change affects water sources (scarcity and salinity), feed (scarcity and quality), and the soaring heat – The camel is the solution for all the above-mentioned challenges.

The camel is hiding from the eyes of policymakers

Despite some attention in the Anthropocene, the unique creature (camel) is either ignored or undermined by different quarters, especially the policymakers.

World Camel Day

The author, therefore, proposed a day (22nd June) to think and aware the masses about this precious animal and advocate for the camel to get a proper place again. Our camel advocacy forum CAMEL4LIFE INTERNATIONAL is advocating camels at all available forums, especially for its’ incredible milk, which is considered a natural pharmacy.

Raigi camel of Kakar Khurasan Zhob region of Pakistan

Thanks to all my camelists friends who supported my camel cause. I’m happy to see the progress of our forum, many quarters have realized the importance of the camel as a food security animal under the challenging climatic conditions.

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