World Camel Day 22 June

A Brief of Celebrations on World Camel Day 22 June 2020

Since the foundation of world camel day (WDC) by the author in 2008, each year this day is being celebrated in different corners of the world.

The importance and interest in WCD are ever-increasing each year and many new stakeholders are coming into the ring to celebrate. It is a pleasure that the interest of the people is increasing in camels and camels related aspects. The main reason for attraction for the camel is the milk which is considered a unique and magical food and each year the number of camel milk consumers is increasing.

I’m going to share some important reports regarding the WCD celebration in 2020 to briefly highlight the importance of this day among the camel stakeholders. Such celebrations were made in different parts of the world and there were many online conferences which I attended and deliver key note speaches. This year, many meetings are in the WCD programs and I’m invited to talk over there about the importance of camel and the launch of the WCD.


Anna Aiko,

Since 2014, she has been traveling along the Silk Road, the same one taken by ancestors of the past. All these explorers adventured in the discovery of this amazing world, traveling by camel, crossing these vast spaces, exchanging their knowledge, creating links, and writing our history.

She has crossed on camelback 1350 km: the Empty Quarter of Saudi Arabia with Rakayib and UAE with Hamdan Bin Mohammed Heritage Center, and was runner-up at the HHC Camel Trek Marathon 2020.  

She participated in the King Abdulaziz Camel Festival on the invitation of the Camel Club. She wrote this interesting report about the festival and especially emphasized the WCD.

She writes “The International Day for Camels is celebrated on 22nd of June every year. The following details elaborate on the way this day is celebrated by several major governmental departments in Saudi Arabia. Camels are one of the most miraculous creatures on earth. God asked us to think about their creation before thinking about the creation of the sky, the mountains, and the earth. These animals deserve all the interests, studies, and support because the information acquired will benefit future generations for their progress and research.”

Dr. Muhammad Younas, Head of the Camel Association of Pakistan

Dr. Younas Delivered a Presentation about the Camel Association of Pakistan and its role in the WCD and Camel Related Aspects. Here is the link to a very important and informative ppt regarding the camels and their related topics.

Margaret Weiss Photostory about the WCD

She has given special emphasis on the camel’s welfare and wellbeing. She is very sensitive with a kind soul. She wanted to highlight the issues related to the camels’ wellbeing and comfort. She writes “They are frequently subject to miserable lives in small enclosures and beaten into submission with sticks and forced to walk in blistering heat without water or food. Many tour operators insert pegs through camels’ noses to enable them to be trained and controlled more easily.”

Pair of dromedaries in Wadi Rum

She has posted very beautiful pictures from the field. Here is the link to her photostory regarding the camels and world camel day.

Camel Connection; World Camel Day

According to the information available on the website of Camel Connections, they claim that;
  • Camel Connection unites camel owners, want-to-be owners, carers & lovers and helps them become Camel Confident & Camel Connected in all aspects of camels.
  • We teach people how to communicate with and care for camels through our online camel training course & our Cameleer Academy where Camel Connection is at the core of everything we teach.
  • We’ve had people from all walks of life learn about camels with us: from Medical Doctors & Business Executives to Zoo Keepers & Hobby Farmers (and everything in between
  • Whatever your camel goal/idea/dream is we can help you, just like we’ve helped others! 
  • Everything we teach about camels comes from a place of connection, compassion & a deep understanding of camel psychology (and biology thanks to our dedicated Camel Connection, Camel Vet)!

The topic of the WCD; 3 Camel Myths – Busted!

They have told the world about the 3 myths related to the camels. IT’S WORLD CAMEL DAY – yes an actual day dedicated to camels, how cool is that? It’s a really cool thing for us here at Camel Connection HQ – a whole day dedicated to the CAMEL, although if truth be told…. It’s not much different from every other day (who’s complaining)!

22nd of June is World Camel Day. The day was designed to give recognition to the fact that camels are very important creatures to many people around the world. Most people rely on camels for their own survival (like us! they have stolen our hearts and taken over our lives – surely that counts)!

You can read the details about the topic in the link below.

World camel day: As tourists stay away from Odisha beaches, owners abandon camels

This sad story was reported under the banner of WCD that the camel/s are left abandoned in India. Indican camel keepers are under serious threat as the camel is losing its economic value because of many reasons.

“Desperate efforts are on in Rajasthan to arrest the sharp decline in the population of its state animal, the camel. Last month, a cabinet sub-committee made recommendations to end what Arushi Malik, special secretary, animal husbandry, called a “sort of inspector and permit raj” brought on by the Rajasthan Camel (Prohibition of Slaughter and Regulation of Temporary Migration or Export) Act, 2015, which had linked the trade, transport, and deaths of camels to their slaughter and criminal prosecution. In a knee-jerk reaction, the then BJP government had given “holy cow status” to the camel, blaming its slaughter for meat as the sole reason for the decline in population over the years.”

The link to the story is provided in the following link.

A Beautiful Banner of WCD by Alamin Prodhania

Last but not the least, I hereby share the banner prepared by Alamin Prodhania, a young but energetic designer. I thank him for this contribution and we will use this banner on many occasions.

Here are Further Links from Different Corners about the WCD

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