Camel in Middle East and Africa

Meet the Healthy Wajir Camel

Hey World

I’m Wajir, a Gabbra camel from Northern Kenya. I born in a beautiful commune in April 1997. My father is from the Gabbra tribe and my mother is from the Somali tribe. I have genes from the two important tribes. I have great makeup of genes, making me strong and keeping me alive for a longer period with full productivity and active life.

Watjir, the camel treasure of the Gabbra

I’m Strong

I’m proud of my genes, making me stronger and resilient. I have survived 2 very long and severe droughts. I just lowered my reproductive work and put my energy into surviving and enjoying life in aridity. This severe and longer drought sustained for 3 years, 2015-2018, and my many mates died. I still miss them all. I wish the world plant more vegetation, give us a better environment and make mother earth healthy and productive. I hope the rains will return to us as the rains love the vegetation.

Beautiful Wajir, lovely and proud

I’m Concerned About my Australian Mates

I have heard that some authorities in Australia are killing my camel fellows. Why they do so? The camels do not need anything from them. They live their own free and happy life. I’m very sad about them. I’m so confident and convinced that our troubles are because of our human masters, our troubles come from them, directly or indirectly.

I’m Still Productive and Lively

I have already returned to normal life. I have gifted a lot of my genes in the kind of beautiful camels to the Gabbra tribe. I’m very thankful to Gabbra, especially my master Tumal, for keeping me happy and taking care of me as a family member. I’m still surviving and gave birth to a beautiful male calf in December 2020.


I really acknowledge Mr. Tumal, a loving animal keeper and master of Wajir.

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