How Are the Camels Made?
In the holy Quran, it is said “Do they not look at the Camels, how they are made? And at the Sky, how it is raised high? And at the Mountains, how they are fixed firm? And at the Earth, how it is spread out? In these honored verses, Allah (Praise & Glory be to him) surpassed the camel upon all other living creatures and made the contemplation of how it was mentioned prior to raising high the sky, fixing firm mountains, and spreading out the earth. In this honored verse, the Creator, who knows the secrets of his creatures, advises people to think and contemplate in creating camels as a creature witnesses Allah’s glory, power, and planning.
The Camel Knows all the 100 Names
The Arabs believe that only the camels know the one-hundred name of God, which means that the human being knows 99 names of Allah, and the 100th name is only known by camel. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) delivered his last sermon, which is considered the Charter of Humanity while sitting on a camel called Qiswah. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) will be sitting on a camel while entering Jannah and Hazrat Bilal (RTA) will have the Mahar of the camel, leading camel to Jannah.
In short, the camel is unique, special, and incredible. There is a wide room in the camels’ field to explore and use its uniqueness for the well-being of health, nature, and environment.