I do not claim it (camel milk) as the replacement of the breastmilk, but the closest in composition and activity, the camel milk is one of the most important food for infants after the mother milk. It has more water, lower but friendly lactose, free of protein allergies and rich with iron, making it the second-best choice after the breastmilk.
This article will guide you to new findings of uncovering the potential of camel milk as the second choice after the breastmilk. The main task of this article is to tell you about the support and endorsement of my own statements regarding camel milk as natural therapy and the best option of feeding infants after the breastmilk. Sometimes, I have just to copy and paste paragraphs from an article (link available below) of a friend ‘Philippa Young’ to tell you about the views of the people who are behind the camels’ facts since yearshttps://www.huffpost.com/entry/camel-milk-the-biggest-hu_b_773016?test_ad=readmo_test&guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly90LmNvL0x2Rlo1ZURjSVk_YW1wPTE&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAADhhp5_3V5uSaUJm2hrcVzIi-lGqwx_WnlvJgeAh1Dm5jb6LbseeKSge-JSChsxxYnMwBo6nefsI3lCOns9xD_V7-ypXcJkF2EE3eJwbXB2ZlTmIhqjJdB9E5Dnm46F-oPu2-rD0oUiIWJmHFf8yY6qRAMrNfTXm0BmCk1HytMny
Camel Milk is a Gift to the Mothers
Camel milk is the closest you can get to a human mother’s milk, with 10 times more iron and three times more vitamin C than cow’s milk. It is antibacterial and low in lactose. Used medicinally by nomadic communities for centuries, fermented camel’s milk is still popular in Kazakhstan as a treatment for Tuberculosis and for HIV/AIDS in Kenya and Somalia. Research has been conducted into treating Crohn’s disease, breast cancer, and autism, however, the most promising studies have been in the field of diabetes.
Please Respond with your Comments
A wide and diverse appreciation is ever-increasing about the role of camel milk as a natural health therapy. I suggest you please read point to point about the camel milk and support my cause with your suggestions and comments.
5 replies on “The Camel Milk is Closest to the Human Milk”
Camel milk is the new oil
Nancy Abderehmanene discussion in camel Whatsapps group. “About camel and human milk, although the biochemistry is fairly close, the claim that camel is closest in composition would need to be substantiated with a detailed analysis of all the components, fatty acids, aminoacids, and a comparison of the spatial shape of molecules such as lactose and enzymes.”
Professor Tahereh “ about alternative milk for human milk, if there is no any allergy to cow milk(even diluted buffalo milk) its better cow milk used before 6 monthes, but if there is allergy to cow milk then caM and goat milk can be used but should be diluted in proper ratio with boiled water but gradually amount increased for adapting. most kids react by dirrehea or vomiting.
the way of using is important”
Professor Tahereh “ most similarity between caM and human milk is lack of allergen proteins like beta lactoglobulin, and low beta casein and on this issue there are some materials….
thats way alternative is caM then goat milk”
Nancy Abderehmanene “ Camel milk is definitely good for babies, I must confirm my belief, but as with autism and diabetes, careful scientific research and data are more useful than enthusiasm. Modern chemistry and biochemistry get more and more complicated as research progresses, and harder to explain to the public”