Camel Milk and Natural Health Camel Milk for Health Farm health

Camel Milk is a Natural Dewormer

Camel milk offers a sustainable and highly effective means of controlling parasite populations in livestock, according to research undertaken by scientists from Tunisia and ICARDA. In a breakthrough study, conducted on one of the most virulent gastro-intestinal sheep parasites, results demonstrate that camel’s milk has the potential to eradicate sheep worms, and thereby deliver significant livelihood gains to livestock producers.

A recently published study by the National Veterinary School of Sidi Thabet, Tunisia and ICARDA suggests that camel’s milk offers a practical and sustainable resource to tackle widespread gastro-intestinal sheep worms in low input production systems.

Interest in Natural Healing Products

There has been growing interest in the use of natural products. “Natural products are an alternative source of bio-active compounds to control viral, bacterial and parasitic infections,” says Dr. Hafidh Akkari, a member of the research team in Tunisia. “Nutritional pharmacology is an important new research area for clean and sustainable livestock enterprises.”  Milk is one option that has been considered since it has anti-parasitic properties and is also renewable, environmentally friendly, quickly degradable, easily accessible, and cost-effective

Camel Milk as Dewormer in Sheep

In addition to a detailed chemical analysis of the camel milk, the research team used two main tests to investigate the in vitro efficacy of camel milk against a common type of gastrointestinal parasite, Haemonchus contortus. This blood-sucking parasite of the sheep stomach can cause severe anemia and productivity losses; acute infestations and high worm burdens may even cause death in lambs.  The effect of camel milk on egg hatching and adult parasite populations was impressive: camel’s milk was the only milk-type to have an inhibitory effect on egg hatching, and it caused significant paralysis or death of adult worms at different post-treatment intervals, even at low concentrations. 

The Scientists Gave a Chance to the Camel Milk

This study is the first to conclusively show that camel’s milk could potentially help control the most important parasite affecting sheep,” says Dr. Mourad Rekik, a senior small ruminant production scientist at ICARDA, who collaborated in the study. “Given its in vivo effect and bioactive molecules, we believe that camel milk represents an accessible, renewable and cost-effective alternative to control parasites. Harnessed properly, it provides an opportunity to boost livestock productivity and raise rural incomes

Thinking out of the Box

Sometimes before I read the posts of the moms who are keeping their kids on camel milk for certain reasons, claiming that their kids are gaining weight and inclining from the skinny level to healthy levels. Even one mom told me that she found worms in the stool of her kid after the intake of camel milk. Therefore, I always say to give a chance to the camel milk.

For details, please go to the original post in the link below.

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